
lignite n.【礦物】褐煤 ( = brown coal).


The minerals in the 4 coals studied act in very different ways , showing significant catalytic effect in one lignite , while no such effect observed in the other coals 由于這種差別并不反映到煤的工業分析數據中,這時采用通用規律預測焦碳的燃燒速率就可能產生較大的偏差。

In their place we found intriguing alternations of turquoise - blue , gray and green clays , brown sandstone and fossilized plant matter called lignite 我們發現取而代之的巖層組成十分有趣,其中包括了藍綠色、灰色、綠色的黏土、棕色的沙巖,以及稱做褐煤的植物化石。

During the dry season , soil particles and plant matter would have settled slowly to the bottom of the shallow lakes and swamps , eventually forming the blue clays and lignite 乾季時,土壤顆粒及植物緩慢沉淀到淺水湖泊及沼澤底部,最后形成藍色的黏土及褐煤。

Swivel - arm crushers are mainly used in large - scale power plants for processing of lignite in the first crushing stage , as well as for separation of foreign particles 旋轉破碎機旋轉破碎機旋轉破碎機在大型發電廠被用來粗碎褐煤以及分離出它的雜質。

Feed materials : lignite , coal , soft to medium - hard rock , ore , chalk , gypsum , limestone , soil , overburden and similar products 給料:褐煤煤炭從軟到中硬的巖石礦砂白堊石膏石灰巖泥土廢料以及其他與之相似的物料。

Continuous handling equipment and systems - general safety requirements for continuous handling equipment for opencast lignite mining ; german version en 14658 : 2005 連續搬運設備和系統.露天褐煤采礦用連續搬運設備的一

We have successfully completed an assignment for asian development bank for an environmental evaluation of a power plant and lignite mine 我們成功地為亞洲發展銀行完成了一項發電廠和褐煤礦的環境的評核。

Excavators , spreaders and auxiliary equipment in opencast lignite mines - part 3 : welded connections , joint types , classification , test instruction 露天褐煤礦挖掘機排土機和附屬設備.第3部分:焊接

Continuous handling equipment and systems - general safety requirements for continuous handling equipment for opencast lignite mining 連續搬運設備和系統.露天褐煤采礦用連續搬運設備的一般安全要求

Theastm rankings for bituminous coal , sub - bituminous coal , or lignite fit the spreader combustion process well 美中試驗材料協會根據煤在燃燒時的性能把煤分為煙煤,次煙煤,褐煤幾個等級。

Continuous handling equipment and systems - safety requirements for continous handling equipment for opencast lignite mining 連續裝卸設備和系統.露天開采褐煤用連續裝卸設備的安全要求

Excavators , spreaders and auxiliary equipment in opencast lignite mines - part 5 : slewing brakes and overload protecting devices 褐煤露天礦挖掘機推土機和輔助設備.第5部分:回轉裝

Solid mineral fuels . sampling methods for hard coal and lignites . methods to detect the existence of systematic errors 固體礦物燃料.硬煤和褐煤取樣方法.存在系統誤差的檢測方法

Excavators , spreaders and auxiliary equipment in opencast lignite mines - part 1 : construction , commissioning and monitoring 褐煤露天礦中的挖掘機拋煤機和附屬裝置.第1部分:建

Excavators , spreaders and auxiliary equipment in opencast lignite mines - part 6 : examination of ropes and rope end fittings 褐煤露天礦挖掘機,推土機和輔助設備.第6部分:繩索

Excavators , spreaders and auxiliary equipment in opencast lignite mines - part 2 : calculation principles 露天褐煤礦挖掘機排土機和輔助設備.第2部分:計算原

Excavators , spreaders and auxiliary equipment in opencast lignite mines - part 4 : hoisting winch brakes 褐煤露天礦挖掘機推土機和輔助設備.第4部分:提升鉸

Size reduction of hard coal and lignite as well as overburden with high and constant capacities 您的要求:高產量地破碎褐煤,煙煤和剝離物。

This paper describes the principles and methods of extracting humic acid product from lignite 摘要論述了褐煤中提取腐殖酸產品的方法及原理。