
lignin n.【化學】木質素。


An attractive objective in tree breeding is therefore to reduce the content of lignin 為此,開展木質素含量低的挪威云杉新品種的選育就成為一個迫切需要解決的問題。

Lignin is a natural resource , its amounts are only less than those of cellulose in the earth 地球上木質素的數量僅次于纖維素,是量大而又可再生的天然有機資源。

Trees containing less lignin and more cellulose would both grow faster and also produce more ethanol 含低木質素高釬維的樹木能夠在既速長的同時又多產乙醇。

Insoluble fibre consists mostly of cellulose , lignin , and hemicelluloses 非水溶性纖維的組成大都是纖維素cellulose木質素lignin與半纖維素hemicelluloses 。

Aati - tumors : the dye lignin has the cytotoxin activeness to the human boby rhinitis cancer ( kb ) cell 抗腫瘤:染料木素對人體鼻炎癌( kb )細胞有細胞毒活性

Effects of gibberellin3 on leaf lignin levels related enzymes and flower form ation in bayberry 3對楊梅葉片木質素水平及其相關酶活性和成花的影響

Studies on fiber morphology and lignin distribution of the triploid of populus tomentosa carr 三倍體毛白楊纖維形態學參數及木質素微區分布的研究

Cdna clone and lignite degradation ability of lignin peroxidase from penicillium decumbens p6 斜臥青霉p6木素過氧化物酶的褐煤降解活性及cdna克隆

Study on the degrading ability to david poplar lignin of six species of wood white - rot fungi 6種木材白腐菌對山楊材木質素分解能力的研究

Study on the sulfonation reaction of lignin from black liquor of alkali paper - making with bagasse 堿法蔗渣制漿黑液木質素磺化反應研究

Preparation of an amphoteric lignin flocculant and its decolorization performance research 兩性木質素絮凝劑的制備及脫色性能研究

Mwl milled wood lignin 磨木木素

Isolation of lignin from wheat straw oxygen - alkali pulping black liquor and lignin modification 麥草氧堿黑液中木素的提取及改性

Sodium lignin sulfonate 木質素磺酸鈉

Experimental research of using lignin calcium sulphonate as the filtering aid of magnetite pulp 96在梅山選礦廠的應用研究

Study on the adsorption of endotoxion by hbs lignin and its derivatives 高沸醇溶性木質素及其衍生物對內毒素的吸附性能研究

Technological factors of lignin separated from straw pulp black liquor with sulfuric acid 草漿黑液硫酸酸析木素的工藝條件

New development of utilizing comprehensively lignin from alkaline pulping black liquor 堿法制漿黑液木素的綜合利用新進展

Advance in biodegradation of lignin by fungus and expectation of research in aerobic compost 真菌多糖免疫活性的研究進展