
lightwave 【物理學】光波。


Silicon - on - insulator ( soi ) , boasting good optical and electronic properties , is the common material of integrated circuits ( ics ) , micro - optical - electronic - mechanical - systems ( moems ) and planar - lightwave - circuits ( plcs ) , which makes the monolithic integrations of optical , electronic and mechanical components possible . the mature technologies and superior equipments out of ics can be borrowed to investigate soi plcs . some electro - optical effects of kerr effect , franz - kedysh effect and plasma dispersion effect in silicon can be used in optical modulator and electronic - optical switch 絕緣層上的硅( soi )材料具有良好的光學和電學特性,成熟的集成電路( ic )制作工藝和設備可以應用或借鑒于soi平面波導器件的制作中;硅的克爾( kerr )效應、弗朗茲-凱爾迪什( franz - kedysh )效應和等離子色散( plasmadispersion )效應等電光效應可以應用于電光調制器和電光開關的制作中。

The traveling - wave electrode boa - type device has been analyzed with spectrum domain method . the results show : the boa device of n + - doped substrates can not obtain the velocity - match between the lightwave and microwave due to the slow - wave and skin effect of n + - doped substrates ; we can choose the thickness of n ^ - doped layer on the s . i I在對芯片的各部分進行理論分析和設計的同時,我們研究了器件的制作工藝,并提出了一種有效提高gaas gaaias雙異質結boa光開關性能的新型工藝,預期該技術將有利于提高boa型光開關陣列的成品率和提高消光比。

Generally , the designed channel spacing of itu - t standard in wdm systems is from 0 . 8nm to 1 . 6nm , which is much larger than the spacing required by actual communication bandwidth . for example in lightwave transmission systems , a sghz channel occupies only 0 . 04nm at the wavelength band of 1 . 55 n m . thus , most of the bandwidth in the actual transmission systems may be wasted Itu - t標準中wdm系統設計的信道間距為0 . 8nm - 1 . 6nm ,這遠遠大于實際使用的信道帶寬,例如一個帶寬為5ghz的信道在1 . 55 m波段只占據了約0 . 04nm的波長范圍,因而導致大部分的帶寬被浪費。

Based on the fundamental theories of planar lightwave circuits and the basic principle of an arrayed waveguide grating ( awg ) , some simulation methods used for estimating the performance of an awg and some improved design methods for optimizing the performance of an awg are studied in detail in this thesis 本文以awg波分復用器件為研究對象,在平面光波導基本理論以及awg器件的基本原理與設計方法的基礎上,主要研究了awg器件性能的模擬方法、 awg結構設計的改進與性能改善以及awg器件的實驗制作。

Representatives from the shenzhen daily newspaper , shenzhen commercial daily newspaper , hongkong commercial daily newspaper , china economic news , gutong advertisement co . , ltd , ofnmag , 863infodz , 864infodz and lightwave china as well as other print media toasted the success of the exhibition and conference 媒體代表來自深圳特區報,深圳商報,香港商報,中國經濟新聞,國通廣告公司,光纖通訊雜志社,華商電子信息報和光波通信等一些出版社媒體預祝展覽會及研討會的成功。

In developing the planar lightwave circuits , the coupling loss between a waveguide with a high refractive index difference and a single mode fiber is considered . a novel spot - size converter based on a y - branch structure is proposed and numerical simulation results indicate that it can reduce the coupling loss effectively with low polarization dependent loss and good fabrication tolerance 在平面波導光器件研制中,提出了高折射率差二氧化硅波導與光纖的新型低損耗連接,與現有波導單側變窄的結構相比較,有效的降低了連接損耗,同時具有偏振相關損耗低,工藝容差性好的優點。

Two types of optical devices , planar lightwave circuits ( plcs ) and liquid crystal ( lc ) devices used in optical communications , are considered in this thesis . novel structures , new calculation methods and new design methods are proposed in developing these two type devices 本論文研究了應用于光通信的平面波導光器件與液晶光器件,提出了一些新型的器件結構、器件模擬計算以及設計優化的新方法,解決了平面波導光器件與液晶光器件研制中的若干問題。

Due to its advantages of having no end - facet reflection , easy extension to a multi - port configuration , high tolerance for fabrication errors , and compact size , the tapered mmi is a good candidate for a coherent lightwave combiner to be used in large - scale photonic integrated circuits 鑒于無后向反射,容易擴展為多口配置,對實驗誤差有大的允許度和尺寸緊湊等優點,這種錐形多模干涉的合波器是大型光子集成中所用的相干光波合波器的理想選擇。

However , at this stage it is instructive to consider the advantages provided by lightwave communication via optical fibers in comparison with other forms of line and radio communication which have brought about the introduction of such systems in many areas throughout the world 然而,相比于其它在全世界很多地區引進這樣的系統的有線及無線電通信方式來說,重視由光纖實現的光波通信的優勢是很有意義的

Inject medicine into inside of angioma , then use a special lightwave wave length 630 nanometer to radiate the surface without damaging the skin . the angioma tissue is absorbed from inside to achieve perfect result with no damage to the organs shape and functions 將特殊的光感藥物,注入血管瘤內再用特定波長的光波進行照射,表面皮膚不受損傷,使瘤細胞吸收,而正常組織不受損傷。

In this thesis , we described the principle of photon modulation , the model of photon induced careers and the model of carrier - induced index change . we analyzed the effect of 3 - d structure of waveguide to the lightwave in the waveguide 本論文首先闡述了光控制光開光的原理、光生載流子的模型,以及光生載流子影響折射率變化的模型,分析了三維波導的結構對傳輸光波的影響。

In optics communications , integrated diffraction grating devices based on the planar lightwave circuit ( plc ) technology are one of the most important solutions for the wavelength division multiplexing ( wdm ) technology 在光通信領域,基于平面波導技術的集成型衍射光柵器件在密集波分復用系統中以其優異的性能成為了波分復用器件的主要發展方向之一。

Lightwave is employed in information technologies , implementing e . g . signal transmission , displaying , storing and sensing , etc . optical devices are key elements in these technologies 光波作為信息載體,在信息的傳輸、顯示、存儲以及檢測等應用領域發揮著越來越重要的作用,光器件是光波信息處理中的核心技術。

2 . because lightwave systems commonly use fibers with randomly varying birefringence , it is important to study how optical pulses are affected by random birefringence changes 二、由于在一般光通信系統中,所采用的光纖的雙折射都是隨機變化的,因此研究光脈沖如何受光纖隨機雙折射變化的影響就變得十分重要。

In this case the information source provides an electrical signal to a transmitter comprising an electrical stage which drives an optical source to give modulation of the lightwave carrier 在這種情況下,信源給發射機提供一個電信號,發射機中的電路驅動光源以實現對光載波的調制。

A new tapered multimode interference ( mmi ) - based coherent lightwave combiner is reported 摘要報道了一個新的基于錐形多模干涉的相干光波合波器。

Analysis on the performance of lightwave in the large - core optical fiber connector 大孔徑光纖過渡器中光波特性分析

Lightwave transimission system and multiplexer equipment sonet - based 同步光纖網路光波傳輸系統及多工機設備

Lightwave transimission system and multiplexer equipment sonet - base 同步光纖網路光波傳輸系統及多工機設備