
lightsome adj.1.輕快的,敏捷的。2.愉快的;無憂無慮的。3....


According to biologic viewpoint , all volant animal , its condition is posture necessarily lightsome , wing is very wide ; and bumblebee this kind of biology however as it happens follows this theory to do exactly the opposite : the body of bumblebee is very heavy , and wing is however very smallish 根據生物學的觀點,所有會飛的動物,其條件必然是體態輕盈、翅膀十分寬大;而大黃蜂這種生物卻正好跟這個理論反其道而行之:大黃蜂的身軀十分粗笨,而翅膀卻是十分的短小。

Taking his place amid this lightsome atmosphere , he would stand , his stocky figure cloaked in a great cape overcoat , his head protected by a broad slouch hat , awaiting the applicants who had in various ways learned the nature of his charity 他在這個輕松愉快的環境中找到了自己的位置,就站在那里,魁梧的身上披著一件帶斗篷的大衣,頭上戴著一頂闊軟邊呢帽,等待著那些通過各種渠道了解到他的慈善事業的性質的申請者。

We see in needlework , and embroideries , it is more pleasing to have a lively work upon a sad and solemn ground , than to have a dark and melancholy work , upon a lightsome ground : judge therefore , of the pleasure of the heart , by the pleasure of the eye 在針工與刺繡中,我們常見,若在一片陰沉的底子上安排一種漂亮的花樣,比在一片淺色的底子上安排一種暗郁的花樣悅目得多;從這眼中的樂趣上推斷心中的樂趣罷。

Hurstwood had gone , at drouet s invitation , to meet a new baggage of fine clothes and pretty features . he entered , expecting to indulge in an evening of lightsome frolic , and then lose track of the newcomer forever 赫斯渥原是應杜洛埃的邀請,去看他新到手的女人,猜想那不過是又一個繡花枕頭而已姿色出眾,衣服鮮亮,肚子里一包草。

It makes you enjoy the comfortable and lightsome travel or business by yourselves for the elegant warm in - door environment and various kinds of the meticulously renovated rooms 室內環境優雅溫馨,各種精心裝修的客房,讓您盡享商務旅游的舒適暢快。

The child went singing away , following up the current of the brook , and striving to mingle a more lightsome cadence with its melancholy voice 那孩子沿著溪流唱著走開了,她想把更明快的歌聲融進溪水的憂郁腔調中。

“ why , there re lots of places , “ returned lola , who was thinking of her own lightsome tourneys with the gay youths “嗨,地方多得很, ”蘿拉回答。她在想著自己和那些快樂的小伙子的輕松愉快的交往。

The truth is , that this goodly drummer carried the doom of all enduring relationships in his own lightsome manner and unstable fancy 說實在的,這個討人喜歡的推銷員不可能維持任何持久的關系。

The modern - style atrium is decorated with a large area of green waves , which creates a penetrating and lightsome space as a whole 現代風格的中庭以大面積的綠波為裝飾,整個空間顯得通透輕盈。

The light of thy body is thy eye . if thy eye be single , thy whole body shall be lightsome 23但是,如果你的眼睛有了病,你的全身就都黑暗。那麼,你身上的光明如果成了黑暗,那該是多么黑暗!

He walked with a lightsome step 他用有點輕快的步伐行走。

The moon could be seen on the lightsome lake 月亮能在亮晃晃的湖上看見。

The boy made a lightsome attempt in school 男孩在學校里做了有點輕浮的企圖。

Behold , the throng was moving with a lightsome step 瞧,行人們一個個步履輕快。