
lightning n.1.閃電,電光。2.意外的幸運。3.〔美俚〕劣等威士...

lightning arrester

Rated switching lightning impulse withstand voltage 額定操作雷電沖擊耐受電壓

Lightning beta version games - 4455 miniclip games 雷電beta版小游戲- 4399小游戲

Radar image overlaid with lightning location information 加上閃電位置的雷達圖像

The lightning was quickly followed by / with heavy thunder 閃電過后緊接著是響雷

The lightning was quickly followed by / with heavy thunder 閃電過緊接著是響雷

There were many flashes of lightning during the storm 暴雨中出現了好多次閃電。

Lightning strike protection extensive and convenient 具有反向極性保護及限流保護

Research on lightning intruded wave for 500 kv substations 變電站雷電侵入波研究

Meanwhile, the german plans for a direct assault on norway and a lightning occupation of denmark also were advancing . 與此同時,德國企圖直接進攻挪威并且以閃電戰方式占領丹麥的計劃也正在進行之中。

What! let me spend a month's meal and meat and fire on such vanity as that: the lightning from heaven would fall on me . 好哇!要我把一個月的飯錢、肉錢和煤錢花在這種沒用的玩意上,天雷會劈我。

As the huge clouds rolled up accompanied by thunder and lightning , it seemed as though we were watching a war of the elements . 烏云翻滾,雷電交加,我們似乎看到了一場大自然的搏斗。

With lightning feint, one after another pair finally seized hold and began to grapple . 一對對摔跤手采取聲東擊西的佯攻手法,使對方猝不及防,終于揪住了對方,開始搏斗起來。

It appeared, at first sight, to be a lightning conductor, mounted on an insulator going through the roof . 一眼看去,它似乎是一根避雷針,安裝在穿過屋頂的絕緣體上。

Where is the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started ? 話題一起,他那猶如夏日掠過的閃電點燃心靈之火的想象力又到哪里去了?

The lightning now was the colour of silver, and gleamed in the heavens like a mailed army . 現在,閃電是銀色的,象浩渺太空里的一支銀光閃爍的、身披鎧甲的大軍。

The fear of lightning is one of the most distressing infirmities a human being can be afflicted with . 對閃電的恐懼心理是一個人所能遭到的最惱人的毛病之一。

Drawing back as if struck by lightning he lost his balance and dropped from the roof . 他就象受到了電擊一般,身子一縮,失去了平衡,從屋頂上墜下。

Far away in a storm-location center, a radio-locater can pinpoint the lightning stroke . 在遠處的暴風探測中心,無線電定向器能準確地給閃電定位。

The waves were running mountains high and the inky clouds were riven by forked lightning . 波濤洶涌如山,閃電象一把叉子似地劃破了漆黑的云層。