
lightless adj.1.無光的,暗的。2.不發光的。


“ i can t stand much of this , “ said hurstwood , whose legs ached him painfully , as he sat down upon the miserable bunk in the small , lightless chamber allotted to him “這樣下去我可受不了啦, ”赫斯渥說,他在指定給他的黑暗的小臥室里那張破爛的床鋪上坐下來時,感到兩條腿疼痛難忍。

Those precious beings who have mastered this form of yoga profess that the universal soul manifests itself into two primary elements , a lightless light and a soundless sound 精通此瑜伽的大師們指出,宇宙靈識以兩種基本形式化現,即無光之光和無聲之音流。

His hair was pale and lightless . 他的頭發灰暗沒有光澤。