
lighthouse 燈塔。

lighthouse tube

A lighthouse guides ships safely to a harbor 燈塔指引船只安全進港。

A lighthouse was winking in the far distance 一座燈塔正在遠處閃爍。

Cape d aguilar lighthouse cape d aguilar peninsula 鶴咀燈塔-鶴咀半島

My wife was wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse 我妻子戴著一頂像燈塔一樣的帽子。

101 lighthouse in the darkness the story of a reborn person 101黑暗中的燈塔更生人的自白

A lighthouse in the darkness counseling in the penitentiary 黑暗中的燈塔花蓮訊入監輔導

Cape d aguilar lighthouse - cape d aguilar peninsula 鶴咀燈塔-鶴咀半島

Nothing happens . - . . . style in to the lighthouse 可是沒什么新鮮事-套用《燈塔頌》的格式

Established requirement of the lighthouse and its facilities 燈塔主體及附屬設施設置要求

Such kind of old lighthouses are really rare 這么古老的燈塔可不多見啊。

102 lighthouse in the darkness an altogether different world 102黑暗中的燈塔別有天地

87 love in action a lighthouse in the dark love in action 87把愛付諸行動黑暗中的明燈

A lighthouse without a light is just a house 一個燈塔沒有了燈就只是個塔

What role does the war play in “ to the lighthouse “ 在燈塔行中,戰爭扮演什麼角色?

- nothing happens . - style in to the lighthouse -可是沒什么新鮮事-套用《燈塔頌》的格式

The lighthouse flashes signals twice a minute 燈塔每一分鐘發出兩次信號。

They saw the intermittent flashes from a lighthouse 他們看見了燈塔發出一閃一滅的光。

Focus the telescope ore that distant lighthouse 將望遠鏡對準遠處的燈塔。

The lighthouse flashes sign as twice a minute 燈塔每分鐘發二次閃光信號。