
lighthearted adj.無憂無慮的,心情愉快[輕松]的。


Hundreds of high school students and their teachers attended the first presentation scheduled before the formal opening of the exhibition . in this session , a quan yin messenger described , in a lighthearted manner , the changes he had experienced and insights he had gained after practicing the quan yin method with supreme master ching hai . he also gave the audience a general idea about the quan yin method , meditation and vegetarianism 第一場演講會時間是在展示會正式開幕之前,有數百名的高中學生和幾位老師來聽講,觀音使者將他個人在跟隨清海無上師學習觀音法門前后的心得和感想以輕松的方式向他們簡述,并介紹觀音法門及靜坐與素食的觀念。

Also , if we look at our bodies , the so - called “ temples of the soul , “ we can see that they each reflect a miniature universe . when we listen to lighthearted music , our hands naturally want to clap and our feet want to dance ; when enjoying delicious food , we naturally feel satisfied ; after watching a horror movie , we become excited , have nightmares or perhaps are unable to sleep . some people are even inspired to commit crimes by crime movies 再看我們的身體,這個所謂靈魂的廟堂也可以說是一個小宇宙,當我們聽到輕松的音樂時,自然會手舞足蹈在享用美食時,自然會心滿意足在看過一場恐怖電影后,可能會渾身緊張惡夢連連或陷入失眠,有的人甚至從犯罪影片中得到靈感而去作奸犯科!

Whichever celestial clothes you wear , you feel that every inch of your body is well - protected . the designer has a natural understanding of the human figure , ingeniously covering up its flaws while revealing the good points . the clothes feel very natural , as if they are part of your body , and they instill you with confidence and make you feel lighthearted 衣服穿在身上,你感覺到每一寸身體都被細心的保護,這是設計師對人體自然的了解,并加上一層保護網,把身體的弱點巧妙地修飾,再將優點展露一點點,而且好像衣服本來就是與生俱來的那般自然自在又自信。

Wearing a simple black but elegant self - designed evening dress , she chatted with the other guests . her lighthearted comments added a nice touch to the topics at hand and brought happy laughter to those around her . although master tried to mix in with the people and not draw attention to herself , all the singers and other famous members of the arts noticed her and went to greet her 稍后師父被迎至餐桌,身著自己設計的黑色樸素但高雅晚禮服的師父,親切地和在座的貴賓寒暄,她的詼諧畫點睛的話題,帶給四周的人舒暢愉快的笑聲,雖然師父已盡力融合自己在人群中,讓別人不需特別留意到她,但是在座的歌星們及各有名的文藝界人士皆認出是師父,紛紛前來打招呼。

The show was cut short and organizers issued an apology after some delegates at the australia and new zealand climate forum ' s dinner in canberra walked out during what was intended as a lighthearted break from the weighty business of rising temperatures 在澳大利亞和新西蘭氣候論壇的晚宴上,主辦方為了讓與會者從全球暖化的緊張感中獲得片刻放松,特意安排了一場舞蹈表演。沒想到,表演卻讓一些會議代表尷尬得離開宴會。

In competition in pusan international film festival 2005 a lighthearted love story with a charming dose of fairy tale , the delightful vivian hsu plays a girl who is completely enamoured with shoes 朵朵天生不能走路,一次手術后令她擁有一雙可走路的腳,自此變成一個非常喜歡買鞋的女生。

The critics commented that his latest style is reminiscent of seo tai - ji and the boys ' albums ( his former band ) which pursued cheerful and lighthearted rhythms 評論家們認為這張專輯的風格,是延績著之前”徐太志和孩子們” (他之前組的團體)那樣輕快的節奏,并藉以來懷念他們的過去。

The more we meditate , the more we communicate with our inner selves , the more we contemplate the light and the sound , the more lighthearted and energetic we will be to help others 越打坐,越跟內在溝通,多看光、多聽聲音,我們越開朗、越有充沛的能力及大量的精神,可以服務別人。

The following day , similar activities were held at the kinmen utopia family . the event began with lighthearted singing and humorous remarks to warm up the atmosphere before the seminar 活動開始,先以歌聲歡語拉進彼此的距離,隨后則有弘法講座,并致贈慰問金及月餅等。

I am still in quiet mourning for everyone s fate . now , after meeting you , all of my soul has been awakened from a terrible nightmare . i feel lighthearted and uplifted 眼看人類悲劇日復一日的上演,上帝卻未曾伸出援手,也令我感到困惑,我默默地憐憫每個人的命運。

“ it wasn ' t an assault of anything like that , “ she told the mail on sunday newspaper . “ it was just a bit of fun on his part - - it was all very lighthearted . 她對《星期日郵報》說: “這不是襲擊或類似的事情,他只是在開玩笑。所有的一切發生時都是輕松愉快的。 ”

We know it ' s tough to resist a little lighthearted tickling of your kitten ' s fuzzy tummy , but once that kitten grows up , those little teeth grow up along with him 我們都知道用手逗逗小貓毛絨絨的腹部是多么的好玩,但是隨著小貓長大,他們的牙齒也會長長的哦!

Since it was a mother s day celebration , master created such a lighthearted , loving atmosphere that everyone felt very comfortable and happy 由于這是一場慶祝母親節的特別活動,師父營造了如此輕松愉快又充滿愛力的氣氛,大家都覺得非常舒適自在快樂無比。

The dinner was a lighthearted , casual affair ? and the guests emptied six bottles of mao tai , a fiery chinese spirit usually downed in shots from small teacups 宴會很輕松,很隨意賓客們一共干掉6瓶茅臺,這是一種高度酒,通常只用小杯飲用。

A lighthearted love story with a charming dose of fairy tale , the delightful vivian hsu plays a girl who is completely enamoured with shoes . one day , 朵朵天生不能走路,一次手術后令她擁有一雙可走路的腳,自此變成一個非常喜歡買鞋的女生。

Though he is obviously not an expert and not really a lobbyist , either , officials say the effort is a lighthearted way to underline mr . bush s message 盡管諾亞并不是專家,也不是真正的政客,但是布什政府充分相信諾亞對改革的推行有幫助。

There was something about aunt polly s manner , when she kissed tom , that swept away his low spirits and made him lighthearted and happy again 波莉姨媽吻湯姆的時候,態度有所變化,所以湯姆馬上感到振作起來,心情輕松愉快。他上學去了。

We hope children can have healthy body and optimistic attitude that they can develop lighthearted and positive outlook on life 2愛家愛鄉:希望透過集集復集集課程的實施,讓孩子體會家鄉之美,懂得珍惜、分享,并有包容、關懷萬物的心胸。

She recommended to the korean initiates that they should smile and be more confident and lighthearted , adding , “ koreans , you are good ! i say so 師父還建議韓國同修要面帶笑容,自信一點不要太嚴肅,并告訴他們:韓國同胞們,你們真好!