
lightheaded adj.1.頭昏眼花的。2.輕率的;輕浮的。


Moutai does not make one dizzy but stimulates circulation of the blood and causes the muscles and joints to relax , overcoming one s fatigue . so moutai has healthcare functions . after drinking you will not feel lightheaded , throat irritated and thirsty 茅臺酒是原產地域保護產品,綠色食品,有機食品,眾多科學研究證明,茅臺酒具有較強的保健作用和療效功能,飲后不上頭不刺喉不口干不傷胃等特點,故消費者說,國酒茅臺喝出健康來。

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a broken bone . you might suddenly feel lightheaded . you might also ? ? feel sick to your stomach 當你的身體對你的傷口(比如說骨折)產生反應時,你的身體會有一系列的反應。你可能會感覺頭昏眼花或者胃部感到不適。

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a broken bone . you might suddenly feel lightheaded . you might also feel sick to your stomach 當身體與傷口像是壞死的骨頭產生反應時,就會出現許多不好的癥狀,你可能會突然覺得頭昏眼花,或是胃不舒服

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a broken bone . you might suddenly feel lightheaded . you might also feel sick to your stomach 在受到類似骨折的傷害以后身體會發生很多反應。你可能會突然覺得頭昏眼花,你也可能會覺得胃不舒服。

A lot of things happen as the body reacts to an injury like a broken bone . you might suddenly feel lightheaded . you might also feel sick to your stomach 身體受到象骨折這樣的傷害,會產生很多反應。你可能會突然感到頭暈眼花。也可能胃部會感覺不適。

In general , syncope is defined by a brief loss of consciousness ( fainting ) or by dimmed vision and feeling uncoordinated , confused , and lightheaded 一般說來,暈厥的定義是意識的短暫喪失(暈倒)或兩眼發黑,感到共濟失調、意識迷糊或頭昏眼花。

I got lightheaded 我有點頭暈

I , i ' m a little lightheaded 我,我有點頭暈眼花

She had a sense of relief which left her curiously lightheaded . 她感到松了一口氣,這莫明其妙地使她變得輕浮起來了。

Ten to one he was lightheaded at the time . 十有八九,他當時已神志恍惚。