
lighten vt.1.照亮,點亮;點火。2.弄明白,啟發。3.使春風...


When the storm ended the sky lightened 暴風雨過去后,天空變得明亮了。

His mood lightened after the solution of the knotty problem 難題解決后他的心情愉快起來。

Diana ' s heart lightened when she heard it 聽到這,黛安娜的心輕松了。

Comparison of lightening power of white pigments 白色顏料消色力的比較

She says you should lighten up for the sake of your health 她說為了健康,你也應該振作起來

The burden of self is lightened when i laugh at myself 我取笑自己時自我的負擔就減輕了。

The burden of self is lightened when i laugh at myself 當我自嘲時,自私的重負由之緩解。

More lamps will lighten the gloomy room 再多一些燈會使昏暗的屋子變亮。

Her heart lightened when she heard the news 她聽到這條消息心情輕松了。

It was lightening that caused the forest fire last year 正是閃電引起了去年的那場火災。

Her face lightened , color came back to her cheeks 她的臉開朗起來,紅潤重又回到面頰上。

Once i get back to work , i can lighten her load 一旦我回去工作了,我就能減輕她的負擔

Be vegetarian to avoid disasters and lighten the body and mind 吃素讓身心更輕松避災難

She is always trying to get her husband to lighten up 她總是盡力使丈夫心情輕松愉快。

Look ! lightening has struck the tree and it ’ s on fire 瞧!閃電劃下來,引燃了樹木。

Look , lighten up . you didn ' t do anything wrong 喂,別太認真你沒做錯什么

A full moon lightened their path to the hospital 滿月的光輝照亮了她們去醫院的道路。

A solitary candle lightened the darkness of the room 一支孤燭使黑暗的房間亮了起來。

2 advanced preventive lightening strike device inside 2內置先進的防雷裝置