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light water 【原子能】普通水〔與重水相對而言〕。


The united states remains committed to the agreed framework which freezes and ultimately dismantles north korea s dangerous old nuclear reactors in exchange for safer light water reactors . as president bush made clear in seoul this february , we hope for a peaceful transformation on the korean peninsula 最后,北韓必須充份接受它在簽署核不擴散條約時同意接受的國際原子能機構的保障監督。美國繼續承諾遵守有關凍結并最終拆除北韓危險的舊核反應堆代之以更安全的輕水反應堆的框架協議。

Zirconium alloys are employed extensively in light water cooled reactors ( lwr ) as the cladding materials of fuel elements and other structural materials because of the low capture cross - section for thermal neutrons , good resistance to water - side corrosion at elevated temperature , adequate mechanical properties and high thermal conductivity 由于鋯的熱中子吸收截面小,并具有優異的耐高溫水腐蝕性能、良好的綜合力學性能和理想的熱導率,因此,鋯合金被用作核電站水冷動力堆核燃料元件的包殼材料和堆芯的其它結構材料。

The results showed that c . chinensis net photosynthetic rate , transpiratory rate , stomatal conductance were dereased with the increase of stress and the degress of the decrease were the least ones urder light water stress concentrations of intercellular co2 decreased with the increase of stress 結果表明:紫荊凈光合速率、蒸騰速率、氣孔導度隨著脅迫強度增加呈現出降低的趨勢,但在輕度水分脅迫時的降低最少;紫荊的細胞間隙co2濃度隨著脅迫強度的提高呈現出升高的趨勢。

Bwr is a light water reactor using ordinary water as coolant and moderator similar to the pwr except it only has a single circuit connecting the reactor and the turbine without a steam generator 沸水式反應堆是輕水反應堆的一種,這種反應堆和壓水式反應堆相似,均利用普通水作為冷卻劑及慢化劑,但沸水式反應堆只有一個連接反應堆和渦輪機的回路,且沒有裝設蒸汽發生器。

Nuclear power plants ; radiation monitoring equipment for accident and post - accident conditions ; part 5 : radioactivity of air in light water nuclear power plants 核電站.事故中和事故后輻射情況的監控設備.第5部分:輕水反應堆核電站中的空氣的放射性

Nuclear energy - nuclear - grade plutonium dioxide powder for fabrication of light water reactor mox fuel - guidelines to help in the definition of a product specification 核能.輕水反應堆mox燃料生產用核級二氧化钚粉末.產品規范定義協助導則

North korea agreed to forsake nuclear ambitions in return for the construction of two safer light water nuclear power reactors and oil shipments from the us 北韓同意放棄核計劃以換取修建兩座安全的輕水反應堆和從美國進口石油。

Radiation monitoring equipment for accident and post - accident conditions in nuclear power plants ; part 4 : process stream in light water nuclear power plants 電站核事故中和事故后輻射情況的監控設備.第4部分:輕水核電站液流處理

Nuclear - grade plutonium dioxide powder for fabrication of light water reactor mox fuel - guidelines to help in the definition of a product specification 制造輕水反應堆mox燃料用核級二氧化钚粉末.幫助定義產品規范的指南

In - service inspections for primary coolant circuit components of light water reactors - part 6 : eddy current testing of steam generator heating tubes 輕水反應堆初級冷卻劑回路元件運行中檢查.第6部分:蒸

In - service inspections for primary coolant circuit components of light water reactors - part 2 : magnetic particle and penetrant inspection 輕水反應堆初級冷卻劑回路元件運行中檢查.第2部分:磁

Containment monitoring instrumentation for early detection of developing deviations from normal operation in light water reactors 輕水反應堆正常運行時泄漏的早期檢查用污染監控儀

In - service inspections for primary coolant circuit components of light water reactors - part 1 : automated ultrasonic inspection 輕水反應堆初級冷卻劑回路元件運行中檢查.第1部分:自

Process stream radiation monitoring equipment in light water nuclear reactors for normal operating and incident conditions 輕水核反應堆在正常運行和事故情況下的過程流輻射監視設備

Decay heat power in nuclear fuels of light water reactors ; non - recycled nuclear fuels ; documentation and illustration 輕水反應堆核燃料衰變熱功率的計算.不回燒的核燃料

In - service inspections for primary coolant circuit components of light water reactors - part 7 : radiographic testing 輕水反應堆初級冷卻劑回路元件運行中檢查.第7部分:放

In - service inspections for primary coolant circuit components of light water reactors - part 4 : visual inspection 輕水反應堆初級冷卻劑回路元件運行中檢查.第4部分:目

Application of the single failure criterion for light water reactor safety - related fluid systems 輕水反應堆有關安全的液體系統的單一故障準則應用

The technical rules about solid radioactive waste processing system for light water reactor plants 輕水堆核電廠放射性固體廢物處理系統技術規定