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light heavyweight (拳擊等的)輕重量級運動員〔體重為 161-175磅〕。

light horse

The 175 - pound showdown features tarver , widely regarded as the top light heavyweight in the sport , in an intriguing fight versus a future hall of famer in hopkins , who is hoping to make history in what he calls his final ring performance 175磅的塔菲爾普遍看作是輕重量級最好的拳手,很有興趣和未來名人堂成員-霍普比賽,霍普希望在他謝幕賽上創造歷史

Takamichinoku was the first wwf light heavyweight champion ( as recognizedin north america ) when the title was brought into the company in 1997 塔卡美銀是第一自然輕重量級冠軍(作為公認北美)當所有權被帶進該公司在1997年

Joe , do you see this fight as a stepping stone towards unifying at 168 pounds , or possibly moving up to light heavyweight 喬,你看這次比賽將作為一場墊腳石,朝向在168磅的統一戰,或者直接升級到輕重量級?

Tonight ' s light heavyweight winner 產生了今晚的重量級獲勝者

Tonight ' s light heavyweight winner . . 產生了今晚的重量級獲勝者

In both the light heavyweight and heavyweight divisions 兩次衛冕金手套頭銜