
ligature n.1.綁扎,結扎。2.帶子;繃帶;【醫學】結扎線;縛線...


In printing , a character set of given size , style and face . the set will contain lower case , capitals , small c apitals , numerals , ligatures , punctuation marks , reference marks , signs and spaces 印刷技術中一種給定尺寸、字形的字符集。該字符集包括小寫、大寫、小型大寫字母、數字、連字、標點符號、參考標記、符號和空格。

If you don t sit still , you must be tied down , said bessie . miss abbot , lend me your garters ; she would break mine directly . miss abbot turned to divest a stout leg of the necessary ligature “要是你不安安穩穩坐著,我們可得綁住你了, ”貝茜說, “艾博特小姐,把你的襪帶借給我,我那付會被她一下子繃斷的。 ”

A glyph may represent the shape of a single character , part of a character ( in the case of characters with multiple parts ) , or a combined form of character sequence ( in the case of ligatures ) 符號可以表現為單個字符的形狀,字符的一部分(對于由多部分組成的字符) ,或者字符序列的組合形式(連寫的情況) 。

Some of the hacked swords were tied to the wrists of those who carried them , with strips of linen and fragments of dress : ligatures various in kind , but all deep of the one colour 有些砍缺了的大刀是用條條薄綃和撕碎的衣服纏在持刀人手腕上的,材料雖不同,卻都露出同一種殷紅。

These scripts follow complex rules of layout involving consonants , vowels , special symbols , conjuncts and ligatures 這些文字的擺放規則涉及輔音、元音、特別符號、復合詞和連寫,非常復雜。

It follows complex rules of layout involving consonants , vowels , special symbols , conjuncts and ligatures 它復雜的書寫規則牽涉到輔音、元音、特殊符號、復合詞和連寫字符。

I likewise felt several slender ligatures across my body , from my armpits1 ) to my thighs 咱還感覺到有?些細長的繃帶捆綁在咱的身上,從咱的腋窩?直到咱的大腿。

Ligature cutting pliers 剪絲線鉗

Oviduct ligature hook 輸卵管結扎鉤

Hemorrhoids ligature set 痔瘡結扎器

Miss abbot turned to divest a stout leg of the necessary ligature 艾博特小姐轉而從她粗壯的腿上,解下那條必不可少的帶子。

Blood vessel ligature clamp 血管結扎鉗

Ligature tweezers , left hand 結扎鉗,左手

Ligature tweezers , right hand 結扎鉗,右手

Yes , if we can get a ligature round its neck and tie it off 是的,如果我們能把結扎線繞住動脈瘤的根部然后把它扎死

Ligature guide carrier 顯微手術結扎導引輸送器

Nursing about loop ligature of esophagus venous varicosity through endoscope 內鏡下食管靜脈曲張套扎術的護理

Medical instruments ; ligature needle 醫療器械.結扎針

Tonsil hemostatic and ligature forceps 扁桃體止血結扎鉗