
ligation n.1.綁扎。2.【醫學】結扎;縛法;結扎線,縛線。


It has been developed from the acquirement of the “ true obligation “ in civil ligation to the coordination of the civil 民事訴訟是一個動態的發展過程,它由各種訴訟程序所完成而每一個程序都是由個體的訴訟行為予以完成。

In urology , the first successful clinical application was laparoscopic ligation of internal spermatic vein to treat varicocele in 1991 泌尿外科中, 1991年首先成功地運用腹腔鏡進行內精索靜脈結扎術來治療精索靜脈曲張。

An experimental study of capsule jiezaing on the prevention and treatment of blood stasis syndrome due to pelvic adhesion after ligation of falloplan tubes 結扎寧膠囊防治輸卵管結扎術后盆腔粘連形成血瘀癥實驗研究

Long - term follow - up of quot; sandwich quot; method of combined endoscopic band ligation and injection sclerosis in the treatment of esophageal variceal bleeding 套扎與硬化夾心聯合法治療食管靜脈曲張出血的長程隨訪

If only uterine atony is noted , it is managed by uterine massage , pharmacological methods , and artery ligation 對于按摩子宮及藥物治療無效者我們可考慮以手術方式結扎循環至子宮的動脈血管如子宮動脈、腹下動脈。

Long - term follow - up of quot; sandwich quot; method of combinded endoscopic band ligation and injection sclerosis in treatment of esophageal variceal bleeding 套扎及硬化術治療食管下段胃底靜脈曲張15例分析

Objective to observe the clinical efficacy of modified external strip and internal ligation plus herbs in the treatment of mixed hemorrhoids 摘要目的觀察改良外剝內扎手術結合中藥治療混合痔的臨床療效。

Clinical observation on the treatment of serious mixed hemorrhoids of 40 cases with type zz - iid therapeutic instrument and suturing ligation operation 型肛腸治療儀加縫扎法治療重度混合痔40例臨床觀察

Observation of analgesic effects of propofol , ketamine and atropine administered jointly on the procedure of surgical ligation of fallopian tubes 異丙酚聯合氯胺酮及阿托品在輸卵管絕育術中的應用

Evaluation of therapeutic efficacy of endoscopic ligation of varices combined with partial splenic embolization in treating esophageal varices bleeding 垂體后葉素急診治療食管靜脈曲張破裂出血

The pcdnas and doc - 1r fragments have been reconstructed to form a new plasmid used by t4dna ligation enzyme on 25c 陽性菌落經擴增、提取質粒,再分別用notl 、 smal 、 bamhi限制酶進行酶切鑒定。

It was reported that sz - 21 recognized the sequence ? 3 28 - 35 which is far away from the rod ligation site on gpiiia 這說明ntegfin與fn 、 coliv的結合部位不限于rgd序列,而具有不同的識別信號。

The study on the effect of jinniufutong tablet on the protective factors of rats with peptic ulcer caused by the ligation of pylorus 金牛腹痛片對幽門結扎消化性潰瘍大鼠保護因子的研究

Whoever is to terminate gestation or receive ligation operations under this law shall receive such services free of charge 依照本法規定施行終止妊娠或者結扎手術的,接受免費服務。

Comparison of the results in 59 patients with mandibular fractures treated by internal rigid fixation and inter maxillary ligation 鈦板內固定與頜間固定治療下頜骨骨折59例療效分析

Effect of endoscopic esophageal varical ligation combined with pantical splenic embolization for esophagus varices 內鏡下食管靜脈曲張套扎術治療食管靜脈曲張破裂出血27例近期療效

It can be treated with endovascular embolization or surgical ligation if an active bleeder can be identified 假如可找到快速出血點,它可經由血管內栓塞或外科結綁手術治療。

During the operation , the mucous bridge should be retained and the ligation points should not been at the same level 術中注意黏膜橋的保留,總結幾點不處于同一水平面。

It demands the court , the party should be in line with honest and goodwill to implement the civil ligation action 它要求法院、當事人本著誠實、善意去實施訴訟行為。