
ligate vt.綁扎;【醫學】結扎(血管等)。


The library was rescued with phage m13k07 in order to display scfv on the surface of the phage and to form the recombinant phage antibody library . one of positive scfv clones , named pcsal , was selected with phage - elisa after panning and screening by bull sperm three times . scfv fragment , amplified from pcsa1 , was ligated to pmd18 - t vector for sequencing analysis 取陽性重組噬菌體抗體克隆株pcsa1 , pcr擴增其scfv基因,篩選重組子進行序列測定,發現其序列符合小鼠抗體基因的一般特征,并且與幾株抗磷酸膽堿的抗體重鏈和輕鏈可變區序列的同源性達80以上;推測pcsa1scfv針對的抗原是磷酸膽堿類物質。

In order to get the soluble recombinant eo protein and inspect the protein expression status convinently , the egfp and eo gene were ligated into baculovirus transfer vector . with the co - transfecting sf9 cells of baculovirus recombinant transfer vector and linearized viral dna , and plaque purification in the posttransfection procedure , the pure recombinant baculovirus were harvested , which infected the sf9 cells for amplifying to generate a p - l stock . . in the meantime , the fluorescence microscopy detection indicated expressed egfp protein to confirm the heterogenous protein expression of recombinant baculovirus . the pi - stock from a pure plaque was used to generate a high liter p - 2 stock , which was determined in liter as 1 . 14 107pfu / ml by performing a plaque assay . when a volume of p - 2 stock infected the sf9 cells with moi 5 - 10 for expression , the strong fluorescence was obeserved on the day 3 of postinfection 此外,為了得到可溶性重組eo蛋白并便于觀察重組蛋白的表達情況,我們將egfp基因與eo基因相連插入昆蟲桿狀病毒轉移載體中,與線性桿狀病毒dna共轉染sf9細胞后通過噬斑純化得到純的重組桿狀病毒,將其感染sf9細胞制備p1種子液,同時用熒光顯微鏡觀察綠色熒光蛋白的表達情況剔除表達效果差的重組桿狀病毒。再用p1種子液感染sf9細胞制備高效價的p2種子液。通過病毒液的梯度稀釋和噬斑測定,確定p2種子液的病毒滴度達1 . 14 10 ~ 7pfu ml 。

The study on the function and mechanism of phrip1 is important for clarifying how the cell plate and cell wall form in plants . in this study , full length of phrip1 is amplified by pcr and ligated into pks plasmid , then the bait plasmid , peg202 - phrip1 , is constructed . the inseret gene are sure to be translated into the right fusion protein through its sequence . in the yeast two - hybrid system , the bait plasmid ( peg202 - phrip1 ) and a reporter plasmid ( psh18 - 34 ) are introduced into the yeast ( egy48 ) by co - transformation . then cdna library ( which is in pjg4 - 5 ) is screened and two genes are obtained . the two insert gene fragments are sequenced . one of them is plastocyanin , the other is putative photosystem i reaction center subunit ii precursor , both of them are the necessary components of photosynthetic chain 成膜素相關蛋白1 ( phrip1 )是一個含608個氨基酸的蛋白質,它對于植物胞質分裂中細胞板的形成起到了十分重要的作用。研究phrip1的功能和機制,對在分子水平上闡明植物細胞板以及細胞壁形成的機理具有重大的生物學意義。在本實驗中,根據phrip1的序列設計引物對其進行pcr擴增,得到該基因后將其連接到了pks質粒上,并進一步構建成了誘餌質粒peg202 - phrip1 。

Ts87 gene fragment was picked out by screening adult t . s cdna library using sera of rabbit raised against soluble antigen of t . s and using sera of rabbit infected artificially with t . s . the ts87 fragment was ligated to vector pcdnas . l , which contains a cmv promoter / enhancer 本研究采用通過免疫篩庫得到的旋毛蟲抗原基因片段ts87與載體pcdna3 . 1連接。該載體含有人類巨細胞病毒( cmv )的高效啟動子和增強子,是一種外源基因在哺乳動物細胞內高效表達的理想載體。

Conclusion : by restriction enzyme secting , ligating , transforming , restriction enzyme analysis , and final dna sequencing , the pbd - i and pbd - ii gene were proved to be recombinated with the expression vector and the recombinated vector ppd - 1 and ppd2 were transformed successfully 結論:經過酶切、連結,構建成重組質粒ppd上、 ppd上,再經轉化、抽提質粒及酶切分析,最后經dna測序證實, rticr擴增的pbd i 、 pbd 11基因與piflpdt ” xsi表達載體構建成功。

The constuction of plant expression vector , tissue culture of cabbage and gene transformation conditions were studied to obtain ubic transformants . ubic gene was obtained from the escherichia coli . by pcr amplication and was ligated to puc118 vector 為獲得轉ubic基因甘藍,對植物基因工程載體的構建、甘藍的組織培養以及基因轉化條件進行了研究。通過pcr方法從大腸桿菌基因組中擴增得到了ubic基因,擴增產物克隆到puc118載體,轉化大腸桿菌jm109 。

A 12 bp sequence of the 5 “ end from the polyhedrin protein gene of bmnpv was ligated to the 5 ' end of hbsag ( pres2 + s ) protein coding sequence by pcr . the fusion product coding for hbv surface antigen medium sized ( hbmp ) with 4 - additional aa of bmnpv polyhedrin protein was obtained 本研究通過pcr突變的方法,在hbsag ( pres2 + s )前s2序列的5 ’端融合了bmnpv多角體蛋白基因5 ’端的12個堿基,獲得了融合乙肝表面抗原中蛋白基因( hbmp ) 。

The construction of pci - il - 2 : primers were designed by the software oligo , xhol and sail were added to the primers , the cdna of il - 2 was obtained by pcr . the cdna of il - 2 was ligated with pci - neo cleaved by xhol and sail . the recombinant was evaluated by pcr Pcr法擴增幾億片段,在t4連接酶的作用下與xhol和sal工酶切的pci neo載體連接, pcr法鑒定重組體,用xho工, xhol sal , ban工工酶切進一步驗證重組體,命名為pclll 2 。

This method has several strong points : ( 1 ) eliminating the possibility of ringing self of vector . ( 2 ) the inserting fragments ca n ' t ligate each other . ( 3 ) the translating rate with the partially filled in method is equal to phosphatase method 末端半補齊技術的優點有: ( 1 )徹底消除載體自環化的可能性; ( 2 )消除了插入片段自身相互連接的可能性; ( 3 )同常用的堿性磷酸酯酶法相比較,采用半補齊技術其連接產物的轉化率不受影響。

Pcr methodology was adopted for cloning of chitinase encoding genes . based on the sequences of chitinase gene from genebank , the primers for chitinase gene amplification were designed . pcr fragment was ligated with pmd18 ~ t vector and transformed into e . coli dh5 a 盡管同源性比較低,但酶活性檢測發現該基因片段具有幾丁質酶活性,認為此pcr片段含有幾丁質酶編碼基因的全序列或部分序列,此基因片段是一個新基因或基因片段。

713bp and 700bp specific fragments were amplified by pcr and ligated into pgem - t easy vector . it was identified by restriction endonuclease digest analysis , pcr and sequencing that this fragment contained the complete open reading frame ( orf ) of the hc and ha gene 擴增產物連接到pgem - teasy載體上,轉化入大腸桿菌jm109中進行藍白斑篩選后,用酶切、 pcr鑒定和測序的方法鑒定出重組陽性質粒( pgem - hc和pgem - ha ) 。

The promoter and structure genes of x phage lysis genes were amplified by pcr , respectively . the plasmid mvps was constructed for integrating the vhb gene and the lysis genes into the chromosome of e . colihms174 by ligating the lysis genes to mini - tn5 利用pcr擴增得到噬菌體裂解基因的啟動子和結構基因( srrz ) ,連接在轉座子minitn5上,構建成為質粒mvps ,用于將vhb基因和srrz基因共同插入到e . colihms174的染色體上。

2 . cloning of the pcr products the pcr products were purified by agarose gel electrophoresis and was ligated with pucm - t vector . by the method of pcr and enzyme digest analysis . the result shows that the plasmid containing cpti gene was transferred into e . coli dhso Pcr產物的克隆采用a / t克隆法,將pcr產物經瓊脂糖凝膠電泳純化回收后用t4連接酶與pucm - t載體連接,構建成克隆載體puc - cp ,轉化大腸桿菌dh _ 5 。

3 . the amplified dna fragment was then ligated into the hindlll and ecori sites of pmg36e . the ligation mixture was transformed into jm109 for the initial cloning . the recombinant plasmid pmg36e / nisa isolated from jm109 transformants were analyzed by restriction enzyme digestion 將酶切并純化后的pcr擴增產物與大片段連接并轉化e . colijm109 ,在含紅霉素的lb平板上篩選到含有重組質粒的轉化子。

Therefore , the 4 . 4kb fragment from pbl - 2 was ligated to a shuttle vector pht304 with bt replicon and transformed into acrystalliferous mutant 4d10 ( serotype hm , ) and resulted in a cloned strain bl - 3 . this strain could express only 130kda protein 它不僅對蘇云金芽胞桿菌工程菌的構建具有現實意義,而且對其它基因高表達研究將產生積極影響,具有一定的理論意義和潛在的應用價值

Its genomic dna was partially digested by sauial . dna fragments from 4 to 16 kb were collected after electrophoresis and ligated with bamhi - digested puc18 to construct genomic library . the total number of recombinant plasmids is about 9000 進一步在opua基因的上下游序列分別設計引物,從h . trueperi基因組dna中擴增出所預期大小的片段,測序驗證已獲得opua基因的全序列。

1 . genes of igfs , which include cds , were cloned by way of rt - pcr from the tissue of human placenta , then ligated the genes of igfs to the vector of pmd18 - t , the sequences of igfs are correct by sequencing . 2 以人胎盤組織為實驗材料,采用rt - pcr方法,獲得了包含cds的higf -和higf -基因片段,分別連入克隆載體pmd18 - t中,測序結果分析表明擴增的片段均為目的基因。

The positive clones were selected by blue - white screening and the insert fragment was sequenced . then the rebuilt ts87 fragment was ligated to pcdna3 . 1 . with the same method the positive clones were selected by amp screening 然后將目的片段與真核表達載體pcdna3 . 1連接,構建重組質粒pcdna3 . 1 ts87 ,同樣經過轉化和篩選,獲得陽性克隆,并用pcr和質粒酶切的方法鑒定。

Epigastric abdominal flaps of rats were used to investigate whether the flap survival rate can be affected by ligating too many side branches of feeding arteries or by neurogenic control of the flaps 我們利用老鼠的腹上皮瓣進行組織重接,來探討神經支配是否會影響皮瓣組織之存活率,切斷太多的側枝循環造成周圍組織之缺氧是否會使皮瓣因血液灌流太多而影響皮瓣之存活率。