
ligament n.(pl. ligaments, ligamenta ...


Bone and ligament and bone and tendon are now banked for use as allografts 骨和韌帶以及骨和肌腱目前已被儲存用于同種異體移植。

“ what more can i do ? the ligaments are completely torn , anyway . . . “我還能做什么,不管怎么樣,韌帶也已經完全被撕裂了. . . . ”

Fifty patient with injury of medial collateral ligament of knee joint by scalpel acupuncture 小針刀治療膝內側副韌帶損傷120例

“ i am not sure how he did it but he has a problem with his knee ligaments . “我不知道他怎么受的傷,但他膝蓋韌帶一直有傷。 ”

Isolation purification of human periodontal ligament stem cells using immunom agnetic beads 免疫磁珠法分離純化人牙周膜干細胞

Median arcuate ligament 正中弓狀韌帶

Rehabilitation training after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with autograft 自體材料重建前交叉韌帶術后康復訓練

Anterior cruciate ligament 前十字韌帶

Correlation between bone contusion and ligament , menisci injury of knee joint 膝關節骨挫傷與韌帶及半月板損傷的相關性分析

“ there was immediate swelling and a lot of bleeding . it ' s the front ligament . “當時韌帶的傷口立刻發腫,出了很多血。 ”

Implants for surgery . artificial ligaments . part 6 : characterization of dimensions 外科植入物.人工韌帶.第6部分:尺寸表征

Fibular collateral ligament 腓側副韌帶

“ there was immediate swelling and a lot of bleeding . it ' s the front ligament . “當時韌帶的傷口立刻發腫,出了很多血。 ”

For treatment of traumatic inflammation of tendons , ligaments , muscles and joints 治療腱、韌帶、肌肉及關節的創傷性炎癥

Intra extra - capsular ligaments 囊內外韌帶

Application of the arthoscope in the acute medial collateral ligament injury 關節鏡在急性膝關節內側副韌帶損傷中的應用

The improved method for repairing injury of medial accessory ligament of knee joint 膝關節內側副韌帶損傷修復方法改進

Bone morphogenetic protein - 12 in the repair of tendon and ligament injury 骨形態發生蛋白12對肌腱和韌帶損傷的修復作用

Treatment of ligament injuries caused by knee dislocation with two different methods 兩種方法治療膝關節脫位韌帶損傷