
lifter n.1.起重者。2.升降機,起重機。3.推料機。4.升降...


Lifters please march in ! now introduce the lifters , no . 1 bian jianxin of china … … , lifters please march off 請運動員入場!介紹運動員, 1號中國邊建欣… … ,介紹完畢,請運動員退場!

Being provided with a tool lifter , the machine table can obtain rapid motion in vertical and horizontal direction 機床工作臺能實現快速垂直和水平移動,并設有自動抬刀機構。

Automation product line is composed of belt conveyor , roller conveyor , chain conveyor and lifter 皮帶機、滾筒輸送機、鏈條輸送機、升降機等組成適合生產要求的自動化生產線。

He ' s a body - builder and weight - lifter . have you seen him in a swimsuit ? he looks like tarzan 他是位健美運動員和舉重運動員。你見過他穿著游泳衣嗎?他看上去像人猿泰山。

Evaluative value of brain electrical activity type in the material selection of excellent weight lifter 腦電活動類型對優秀舉重運動員選材評估的價值

But your strength , o lord , is round me , you are my glory and the lifter up of my head 但你耶和華是我四圍的盾牌。是我的榮耀,又是叫我抬起頭來的。

Lifters 、 jury members 、 technical controllers 、 referees 、 docotor - on - duty , please get ready 運動員、仲裁委員、技術監督、裁判員、醫務監督做好準備!

But thou , o lord , art a shield for me ; my glory , and the lifter up of mine head 耶和華啊!你卻是我周圍的盾牌,是我的榮耀,是使我抬起頭來的。

We will make the lifter and ( inner ) slider in this position , will that be a problem 產品里面的這個位置我們打算做斜頂或內行位,有問題嗎?

When a weight lifter fails three trials , he will be excluded from the next round 如果一名舉重選手試舉三次失敗,他就不能參加下一輪比賽。

Jh : how important is range of motion to be successful as an olympic lifter 作為一個奧運會舉重運動員,動作的幅度對成功有多大的重要性呢?

Pmqzq permanent magnetic lifters have magnet as power , and its lifting power will never weaken 永磁起重器采用磁做動力,工作長久不變。

Closing , or any of the other familiar heavy lifters found in jdbc programming ,或者在jdbc編程中可以找到的任何其他熟悉的重要特性。

Lifter guide pin 浮升導料銷

Core lifter case 巖芯提取器

Valve spring lifter 起閥簧器

Exhaust valve lifter 排氣門挺桿

Change electro - control speed regulating of skip lifter into numerical - control cascade control 箕斗提升機電控改造為數控串級調速

Fixed railway installations . track service and maintenance tools . sleeper lifter 鐵路固定裝置.鐵路使用和維護工具.枕木提升機