
lift vt.1.舉起,使升起,提起,抬起;提高;提升。2.使高...

lift boy

I am going your way so i can give you a lift . 我和你同路,可以順便開車送你。

There was no lift or any excitement in his heart . 他心里并不覺得振奮和激動。

They were lifting potatoes in the rain . 他們冒雨掘馬鈴薯。

I stopped and he asked me for a lift . 我停下,他請求搭乘。

It 's no exertion to him to lift the stone ... 他不用費力就把那塊石頭舉起來。

Carefully, he lifted the long silken cord . 他誠惶試恐地捧出一條長長的絲繩。

The box is too heavy for me to lift . 這箱子太重,我搬不起。

A train whistle caused him to lift his head . 一列火車的汽笛聲使他抬起頭來。

Lift the baby into the high chair . 把孩子抱到高腳椅子上去。

Clara saw the lift of his brows . 克萊拉看見了他緊蹙的眉頭。

I can lift 50 kilogram with an effort . 我用力能舉起50公斤。

He had strained himself badly in lifting a pick . 他連舉個鐵鎬都狠命使勁了。

Her heart lifted at the sight of him . 她一看見他心里就高興。

The overlying film is lifted off and removed . 加在上面的薄膜被剝離和清除。

Linda doesn't lift a finger around the house . 林達在家里抄著手什么都不干。

You have not even tried to lift it . 你連試著舉一下都沒試過。

He ruptured himself lifting a bookcase . 他抬書柜時出現了疝。

Hop in , i will give you a lift to the station . 上車吧,我開車送你去車站。

He never lifts a finger round the house . 家里的事他從不幫忙。