
lifetime 1. 一生,終生。2.【原子能】壽命。


During the lifetime of the product line , avast 殺毒軟件是我們的旗艦產品. avast

You have completed your contract for this lifetime 您已經完成了您這一生的契約。

They need a lot more training in many more lifetimes 他們需要更多輩子的訓練。

We got a lifetime contract that you ' re bound to keep 這是一生約定永遠不能失信

She devoted her lifetime to the study of zoology 她以畢生精力從事動物學研究。

Determines the lifetime of the entries in the cache 確定緩存中的條目的生存期。

Corporations are designed to have an unlimited lifetime 公司沒有生存時間限制。

The lifetime of the immunosensor has also been studied 研究該電極的重復使用。

His dream never came true in his lifetime 在他有生之年,這個夢想一直沒有實現。

The pursuit alone is my strength, the energy of my soul, the warmth of my blood, and the pith and marrow of my bones! …yet not to have my wasted lifetime back again would i give up my hopes of the great carbuncle ! 追逐是我力量的來源,元氣的寄托,和血液里的熱,骨頭里的精髓!…我就是放棄了尋找大紅玉的希望,虛度的年華仍然一去不返了!

“stars: their birth, life, and death“ is the result of a lifetime of work in the solar realm, embracing the full solar cycle but evincing none of the alleged deficiencies of composition at solar minimum . 《恒星的誕生、發展和死亡》一書是著者在恒星領域里工作一生的結果,經歷了太陽活動周期的所有相位,然而卻絲毫看不出所謂在太陽活動極小期缺乏特色的跡象。

Every being, which during its natural lifetime produces several eggs or seeds, must suffer destruction during some period of its life, and during some season or occasional year . 各種生物,在它的自然生活期中產生多數的卵或種子的,往往在生活的某期內,或者在某季節或某年內,遭遇到滅亡。

A manager today typically spends a lifetime in his chosen field, moving from one city to another as opportunities for advancement develop . 在今天,一個典型的市政經理,一輩子都干他所選擇的行業,只要有升遷機會,就從一個城市轉到另外一個城市。

Oh, turn to him, in whose eyes time and space have no existence, and to whom a few minutes are as a lifetime, and a lifetime as a minute . 哦,求助于主吧,在主的眼中,時間和空間不復存在,對主而言,幾分鐘恍如一世,而一世恍如一分鐘。

Anyone in my position would have been ruined if he had attempted to dive into depths which not even a lifetime of study could plumb . 任何一個處于我這樣地位的人,要想深入鉆研這種窮畢生之力也無法鉆透的問題,是一定要累死的。

Might they be content to rest on the frenzied exertions of a lifetime of struggle and begin meeting the needs of its people ? 他們畢生斗爭,弄得精疲力盡,難道甘愿就此罷手,而開始著手解決本國的民生問題?

Most people approach swimming not as a competitive sport, but as a form of exercise that can be enjoyed for a lifetime . 許多人喜歡游泳,但并不是把它作為一項比賽運動,而是作為一種終生自娛的鍛煉手段。

The exception to this is the lifetime appointment by the president of justices of the supreme court and other federal judges . 總統委任的最高法院大法官及其他聯邦法官是終身任職,不在此限。

The mere existence of a cloud does not of course ensure that rain will be produced during the lifetime of the cloud . 當然僅僅有云的存在并不能保證在云的生存期間一定會產生雨。