
lifespan lifespan = lifetime.


Over their lifespan , women suffer more ill - health than their male counterparts , and thus utilize the health care system more extensively 婦女患上的疾病比同年齡組別男性尤多,對醫療服務需求更加殷切。

A key enzyme that cuts short our cellular lifespan in an effort to thwart cancer has now been linked to body mass 06年12月6號? ?一種具有阻撓癌癥能力的縮短細胞壽命的關鍵酶目前被人們和體重聯系到了一起。

It aims at improving women s health throughout their whole lifespan by conducting various research programmes of local relevance 本中心一直對各種重要婦女問題積極進行探討研究以便了解本地婦女健康情況。

Stars at this stage of their lifespan are known as “ asymptotic giant branch “ ( agb ) stars , and they are highly volatile 恒星在它壽命的這一時期被認稱為“漸進巨星支” ( agb )星,并且非常的不穩定。

In these cases . no matter the cause the god of death sees only the orginal lifespan and not the shortened lifespan 在此情況下,不論死因為何,死神之眼之可看到人的本來?命,而看不到被縮短的?命。

A qualitative perfect connection between union and hose ensures a low failure rate and long lifespan of the hose unions 單元同軟管之間完美的連接可以確保低故障率以及軟管結合器的長使用壽命。

Generally , palm tree lifespan is 25 years old . a fully growth palm tree takes 30 months before it started to bear fruits 大體上一棵棕樹的壽命是25年.一棵成長的棕樹需要2年半的時間才開花結果

Only in the most exceptional circumstance is the lifespan of a patent extended to alter this normal process of events 只有在非常特殊的情形下,專利的保護期才可能延長,從而改變正常的操作過程

The system is built with static components , free of consumable and electromechanical parts ; under standard water quality it has a long lifespan 本塔由靜態組件組成,無運轉耗材及電機組件,

An averagely obese person ' s lifespan is shortened by around nine years while a severely obese person by many more 一個中等肥胖者的壽命將被縮短大約9年,而一個嚴重肥胖者受到的影響更大。

The ideal lifespan of a snapshot depends on its growth rate and the disk space that is available to its sparse files 快照理想的使用期限取決于其增長率以及可用于其稀疏文件的磁盤空間。

The more ancient beholders are powerful arcanists ( see elder orbs , above ) that have used magic to extend their lifespans 更古老的眼魔則是以魔法延壽的強大秘法者(見長老之眼的說明) 。

This greatly increases the lifespan of your applications because they continue to work with the latest devices 這極大地延長了應用程序的生存期,因為它們可以繼續在最新設備上運行。

To increase battery lifespan , you have set your battery to start charging when below 50 % 我設置的是50 %以下才充電,怎么用到93 %左右,就發現它充電拉?我的充電次數也增加了一次! !

Cr is the only known dietary measure capable of extending maximum lifespan , as opposed to average lifespan 少吃飯是唯一一個延長最大壽命,而并非平均壽命的方法,這個夠強的! !

Healthier eating , longer lifespans and higher disposable incomes have helped to hold back the years 雖然健康的飲食壽命的延長和較高的收入對于人們延緩衰老起到了一定的作用。

The typical average lifespan of a banknote ranges from 18 months to 46 months , depending on the denomination 一般紙幣平均使用期限由18至46個月不等,視其面值而有所不同。

They ' re also essential to assuring the highest gloss , deepest shine , and longest lifespan from your car ' s paint 他們也能保證光度的光潔、深度的光亮和長久的效果。

On the choice of the decision - making methods in determining the optimized economic lifespan of the replicable projects 可重置項目最優經濟壽命決策方法的選擇