
lifer n.1.無期徒刑。2.無期徒刑犯。3.職業軍人。


There are a variety of causes that may bring up uncomfortable usage , traffic jam , even malfunction of glass lifer , such as bad stamping part of doors , bad tolerance with inner / outer watertight seal and dimension and material of window guide - slot , problems with regulator itself , as well as unconformity of window glass application and its design specification 引起車門玻璃升降器失效的原因很多,其中車門沖壓件不規范,車門內外玻璃擋水膠條及玻璃導槽的尺寸形狀及材質存在偏差,車門玻璃升降器本身存在問題,以及車門玻璃與設計要求不符等等都是導致車門玻璃升降不暢,卡滯,甚至失效的重要原因。

The project - learning curriculum must lay different particular emphasis on different learning - stage . it is because that the students of different ages have great difference in intellectual structure , body and mind character , lifer exprience . , knowledge - level . , 由于小學、初中、高中不同年齡段的學生在知識結構、身心特點、生活閱歷、認識水平和理解能力等方面存在著極大的差異,這就決定了研究性學習在不同的學段應有不同的側重。

Pro - lifers normally promote bloody images of abortion . this is the image of birth , “ daniel edwards said of his work , to be unveiled at a brooklyn gallery in april , months after edwards “ sculpture of ted williams severed head stirred up an artistic storm 美國在針對婦女墮胎問題上的立場上,有一派被稱作“贊成生命” ,認為生命神圣不能墮胎,贊成珍惜保護生命而另一派被稱作“贊成選擇” ,認為婦女有選擇是否墮胎的權利。

Law experts and sociologists in japan also believe jail capacity would be facing big challenge and lifers would be huge burden for government , once ds is gone 日本一些法律和社會問題專家也認為,一旦廢除死刑,日本監獄將人滿為患,被終生監禁的犯人將成為政府的巨大負擔。

In front of my mother or my aunt . they are real ladies , mind you ; and i m not really intelligent , i m only a “ mental - lifer “ ,我寧可干脆地把這陽具割了她們都是真正的高尚婦女,請你注意而且我實在是沒有什么智慧,我只是個附庸精神生活的人。

Also , are we , the single “ no lifers “ the ones who have created cages or limitations for ourselves 那么,我們這些單身的“無生活”們又是不是在作繭自縛呢?

The guilty criminal got a lifer , he was sentenced to forty years in prison 那個罪犯肯定要在監獄里面待很久了,他被判刑四十年。

The guilty criminal got a lifer , he was sentenced to forty years in prison 罪犯得到了無期徒刑,他被判了40年監禁。

Q : how many pro - lifers does it take to screw in a light bulb 問:把一個燈泡轉進燈座,需要多少位反對墮胎者呢?

How many pro - lifers does it take to screw in a light bulb 問:把一個燈泡轉進燈座,需要多少位反對墮胎者呢?