
lifeline 1. 救生索;(潛水員的)通報繩。2.命脈,生命線。


Vieira opened his scoring account for inter on the stroke of half time to give the nerazzurri a lifeline 維埃拉打入加盟國際米蘭第一球,在上半場補時階段,這里進球讓藍黑戰士看到了希望。

The lack of bidders could indicate that market strains are easing , and that the mere promise of a lifeline was enough 缺乏競標者能表明這個市場趨于緩和,并且僅僅許諾生存線就足夠了。

Ideological and political education is the lifeline of the whole task , and always keep up with the steps of times 思想政治教育是一切工作的生命線,總是與時俱進,緊跟時代步伐的。

Operators should wear protective clothing a breathing apparatus , a helmet , working boots , lifeline 操作者應該穿防護衣和攜帶呼吸器,戴安全帽,穿工作鞋,攜帶安全繩。

The most governments of countries raise definite requirements to the important lifeline engineering 世界上大多數國家的政府對生命線工程的抗震性能都有明確的要求。

Before work starts , put on your safety harness and attach it to an independent lifeline or another secure anchorage 安全吊帶要扣好在獨立救生繩或者其他系穩裝置上

Sources of investment must be diversified . the controlling shares in lifeline enterprises must be held by the state 實行投資主體多元化,重要的企業由國家控股。

The application of heredity arithmetics in a city lifeline system recovery and optimization in the post - earthquake 遺傳算法在城市生命線系統震后恢復優化中的應用

For a long time the traditional industrial enterprises have been the pillar of the national economics lifeline 長期以來,傳統工業企業是國家經濟命脈的支柱。

Thirdly , hong kong s robust financial markets will strengthen the lifeline of internet business 第三,香港活躍的金融市場有助增強互聯網相關業務的發展。

Fellow practitioners from miaoli , formosa participate in a bazaar held by the miaoli lifeline association 福爾摩沙苗栗同修參與苗栗縣生命線協會園游會。

Product is the lifeline of enterprise and product development is the impetus of enterprise evolution 產品是企業的生命,產品開發是推動企業發展的動力。

Rhyme is a lifeline if modern chinese poetry , for it helps to form its own stable syllables 現代漢語詩歌要形成相對穩定的格律,韻是不可或缺的要素。

Mothballed as a transportation lifeline , it might have forever faded from interest 渡口被當作交通生命線而封存起來,本應永遠從人們的興趣中褪去。

Increasingly complex technologies are being demanded of semiconductors , the lifeline of electronics products 制品生命線半導體高品質技術求。

The china market has been a lifeline for the global industry over the last three years 最近三年來,中國市場已經成為了世界工業的生命線。

The aseismatic fortify that strengthens crucial point branch and lifeline establishment works 加強要害部門及生命線設施的抗震設防工作。

The flow diagram of credit business is the lifeline of credit risk management operation 摘要信貸業務流程是信貸風險管理運作的生命線。

Xun : i don ' t want to use you as my lifeline when i ' m drowning . that ' s not fair on you 小熏:我不想把你當成浮木,這樣對你,不公平。