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life style 生活作風,生活方式;【商業】迎合消費者生活方式的經銷概念...

life table

4 healthy life styles how to relax , mood management and healthy life style 四)健心院精神放松、憤怒管理及健康生活絕招

Study on community health education and life style intervention for patients with diabetes 指端觸覺再現的電刺激實現研究

Unhealthy life styles of the community residents : a survey in baotou city , inner mongolia 包頭市社區居民不良生活方式調查

Homedecor housewares china 2005 : an exciting show for life style 2005 - 8 - 15 第七屆西班牙安德魯世界國際設計大賽開始報名

It has changed people ' s life style , which distance education is a good example 遠程教育的發展就是一個典型的例子。

It isn ' t mean that all people in the society have the same life style 這并不意味著社會中所有的人生活方式都完全相同。

Integrated analysis of effects of life style on incidence of malignant tumor 行為生活方式對惡性腫瘤發病影響的綜合分析

The change of baiku yao life style amp; its meaning since reform amp; open 改革開放以來白褲瑤生活方式的躍遷及其意義

The leading cadres in the new period should attach importance to their life style 新時期領導干部要重視生活作風建設

On the effect of social reform upon life style and psychological experience 試論社會轉型對生活方式和心理經驗的影響

17 follow q . 16 , how to direct influence on the family life style 續第16題,怎樣對家庭生活模式是否一個直接的影響

I got used to the life style here , and it no longer surprises me 我已經習慣了這里的生活方式,并且不再讓我驚訝。

The study of life style of contemporary university students and its solutions 當代大學生生活方式問題及對策研究

To promote healthy life style 推廣健康生活方式。

Research on the health factors of the life style in guangxi minority areas 廣西少數民族農村居民健康因素的研究

That sort of life style has come to stay whether you approve of not 不管你贊成與否,那種生活方式已成為時尚。

Grey collars ' life style and new concept of design and sales of men ' s wear 灰領的生活方式與男裝設計營銷新概念

The popularity of private cars is changing the people ' s life style 私家車的普及正在改變著人們的生活方式。

More choice for life - long learning more time to practise healthy life style 參與終生持續學習時有更多的選擇