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life force 生命力。

life guard

Shaw also produced several plays , exploring his idea of “ life force , ” the power that would create superior beings to be equal to god and to solve all the social , moral , and metaphysical problems of human society 蕭伯納還創作了一系列話劇,探索了“生命的力量” - - -一種能夠與上帝齊平,解決各種社會,道德及玄奧問題的超級力量。

From the mixture of the westem and orient arts and cultures , you can amazesly find out theat the origin of arts so closed to the nature , if demonstrates the beauty of the nature and brings to us a strong life force 東西方藝術文化的相融,使你驚奇地發現藝術的淵源,事實是那么接近,那種天然生機之美,賦予堅強的生命力。

It can not only analyze the data online but also process them offline , which all shows the powerful life force of virtual instrument and the new method of temperature measuring 所有這些展示了虛擬儀器強大的生命力和溫度測試的新方法。文章最后從溫度場測試和分布式網絡化測試兩個方面討論了本測溫儀器的進一步發展方向。

It was only until later when i was more ready to listen , then rinpoche explained to me the full picture - that tm ' s life force was still there , but his merits to live were already exhausted 只要在稍后,當我更愿意去傾聽的時候,仁波切才對我解釋全盤狀況? ?即tm的生命力雖然仍然在那里,但他繼續活在人世的福報已經盡了。

Frome the mixture of thr western and orient arts and culrures , you can anazedly find that the origh of arts so close to the nature . it demonstrates thr beauty of the nature and bring to us a strong life force 東西方藝術文化的相融,使你驚奇的發現藝術的淵源,事實是那么的接近,那種天然生機之美,賦予堅強的生命力。

The writer holds that niuhan ' s poems have distinct modernity spirit which display specific content in different period , and it is the life force and the craving for normal living and mind condition that run through his poems 這種力量和渴求正是現代人覺醒的生命意志的頑強表達,是其詩歌現代性精神的突出表現。

You see , air is vital to us , and dripping water can penetrate rocks . the longer the water drips , the deeper it penetrates . “ chi “ - the vital life force - can sustain the body and even the whole universe 所以你們看,空氣對我們多么重要,而水可以滴穿石頭,越滴越深入,而氣可以長養整個身體整個宇宙。

While most death mages are content with the ability to tear the life force from their victims , some have secretly learned it to channel some of that stolen vitality into their own restoration 當大多數死亡魔法滿足于從他們的就義品掠取性命的時候,有一定的幾率可以秘密的頭去性命而使自己得到恢復。

While most death mages are content with the ability to tear the life force from their victims , some have secretly learned it to channel some of that stolen vitality into their own restoration 當大多數死亡魔法滿足于從他們的捐軀品掠奪生命的時候,有必然的幾率可以秘密的頭去生命而使自己得到恢復。

Energy foods concentrate the universe ' s new hopes and new driving forces , and with simple foods enables people to have clarity of mind and spirit , making a connection with nature ' s vital life force 訊息食品傾注了宇宙的新希望與新動力,簡單的食物就能帶給人心靈的清明,連結大自然活躍的生命力。

By working for kosen - rufu , we become healthy ; we become filled with vitality and life force . the great path of eternal hope and victory lies in a life dedicated to kosen - rufu 為廣布行動,將獲得健康,變得生氣勃勃和充滿生命力.廣宣流布的人生才是永遠的希望和勝利的大道

The white swan is an experience of the etheric forces in one ' s being , and this is later transformed into a conscious mastery and outward expression of these life forces 白天鵝是一個人醚的力量的經歷,隨后轉化而進入一種意識的掌握里面,外在則表達出這種生命的力量。

The chinese classie poetry included full and profound philosophic theory as well as deep thought of the two , increases the life force of poetry 摘要在中國古典詩歌中,既包涵著豐富深刻的哲理,也蘊含著發人深省的禪意,二者相融相通,增強了詩歌的生命力。

Red is not really anger ; it is life force , but has been interpreted by the emotional body as rage if the red ray is not one ' s own energy signature 紅色事實上不是憤怒,它是生命力量,但如果紅色光不是你自己的能量信號,它就被情感體轉譯為憤怒。

Some monsters can zap people s energy or vital life force . the greater our yang energy , the more hungry the yin monsters are for our vital life energy 有一些魔可以吸人家的元氣,我們愈有陽氣,那些陰魔越喜歡吸,有時候被吸太多我們也會昏倒。

Remember , they understood genetics , and manifesting created all things and using the life force and understanding how the life force works 回憶起他們的遺傳學,并且表明創造的一切和利用生命力和了解怎么運用生命力。

What it does : the needles supposedly redirect a spiritual energy or life force called qi to the spots on your face you want to fix 作用原理:針灸針間接將稱之為“氣”的精力或活力傳送到你想改善的臉部部位。

Healing powers : there are no known healing powers attributed to bone , although it may revitalize spent energy as bone encases life force in the marrow 2象牙與以骨制偽造的象牙的區別:骨制品無牙紋,且輕。

Asset securitization has strong life force because it is a technology that combine the operations of banks with asset market 資產證券化作為一種技術將銀行的運做與資本市場結合在一起,有強大的生命力。