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life blood 1.〔詩〕生命必需的血液,鮮血;〔比喻〕生命線,命脈;力...

life buoy

As for firms and organisations , the kbe is pushing them to change from static productive units into dynamic learning organisations . the mainstream of the corporate culture therefore becomes learning and innovation , allowing new ideas , new knowledge , and new technology as the life blood for full - scale development “知識經濟”促使企業把自己從一個靜態生產機構變成一個動態學習機構,企業文化的主流將是學習和創新,讓新思維新知識和新技術成為企業發展的生命力。

The mainstream of the corporate culture therefore becomes learning and innovation , allowing new ideas , new knowledge , and new technology as the life blood for full - scale development “知識經濟”促使企業把自己從一個靜態生產機構變成一個動態學習機構,企業文化的主流將是學習和創新,讓新思維、新知識和新技術成為企業發展的生命力。

The second great helper will have the sign of a celtic cross with red lines ( representing female life blood ) between the arms of the cross 第二位偉大助手將會持有凱爾特十字架,在十字架兩臂間有紅線條(表現女性生命血液) 。

Yet , at the same time , tourists and business visitors are hong kong s life blood 2 . 4不過,游客和商務訪客的消費亦是香港的主要收入來源。

Yet , at the same time , tourists and business visitors are hong kong s life blood 不過,游客和商務訪客的消費亦是香港的主要收入來源。