
liege n.1.君主,王侯。2.〔the lieges〕臣民,家...


The domination of sovereign , the domination of paternity and the domination of authority of husband produce three main kinds of domination and obedience interpersonal relationships of the loyalty of lieges for sovereignty , the filial piety of son for father and the obedience of wife for husband 君主專制、父權專制、夫權專制則導致了臣對君的忠、子對父的孝、妻對夫的從三種主要的支配與服從的人際關系。

Teaching - participating asia - link curriculum development programme by cass , manheim and others ; agreement with manheim , erlangen , liege , bologna on cooperation in ph . d . and ma programme of european studies at peking university 教學參與中國社會科學院、德國manheim大學等asia - link課程開發合作項目;與manheim大學, erlangen大學, liege大學, bologna大學簽訂協議合作培養歐洲研究碩士與博士;

“ your doctrine certainly sounds like socialism , “ mr . morse replied , while ruth gazed anxiously from one to the other , and mrs . morse beamed happily at the opportunity afforded of rousing her liege lord s antagonism 你的學說聽起來就像社會主義。 ”莫爾斯先生回答。這時露絲焦急地望著他們倆,而莫爾斯太太則快活得滿臉放光,因為她終于找到了機會,挑起了老爺子的不滿。

Close and frequent contacts with universities , institutes and delegations of the eu and its member states in china . long - term cooperation with universities of manheim , erlangen , bochum , liege , bologna , oxford 其中保持長期合作關系的歐洲大學有:德國manheim大學, erlangen大學, bochum大學,意大利bologna大學,比利時liege大學,英國oxford大學等。

The uruguay international has been with juve since 2002 , but has failed to establish himself as a first team regular and is eyeing a move to belgian where standard liege are keen to snap him up 這名烏拉圭國腳在2002年轉會尤文,但是一直沒有使自己成為主力陣容中的一員,所以他現在正希望能轉會,而比利時標準烈日正熱衷于追求這名球員。

This meanwhile this good sister stood by the door and begged them at the reverence of jesu our alther liege lord to leave their wassailing for there was above one quick with child a gentle dame , whose time hied fast 此刻,善良之護士佇立門口,懇請眾人出于對我等祭壇主耶穌之敬畏,中止歡宴,因樓上一位有身孕之貴婦即將分娩。

But gilles vandewalle of the university of liege , belgium , and colleagues wanted to see if light exposure has similar effects on brain function during the day , when we are naturally exposed to light 比利時列日大學的吉利斯?萬德威爾和同事們希望研究在本來就有日照的白天,人類大腦對光線是否有類似反應。

But gilles vandewalle of the university of liege , belgium , and colleagues wanted to see if light exposure has similar effects on brain function during the day , when we are naturally exposed to light 比利時列日大學的吉利斯萬德威爾和同事們希望研究在本來就有日照的白天,人類大腦對光線是否有類似反應。

But gilles vandewalle of the university of liege belgium and colleagues wanted to see if light exposure has similar effects on brain function during the day when we are naturally exposed to light 比利時列日大學的吉利斯。萬德威爾和同事們希望研究在本來就有日照的白天,人類大腦對光線是否有類似反應。

If an advisor says to me ` ` my liege , he is but one man . what can one man possibly do ? ' ' i will reply ` ` this . ' ' and kill the advisor 我會清楚確定組織里面每個人應有的責任。比方說,如果我的將軍把事情搞壞了,我不會拔出我的武器指著他說:這是失敗的代價。然后突然轉身隨機殺掉他身旁的部下。

Arsenal went to belgium for the second leg of their cup winners cup second round tie on november 3 , 1993 with a 3 - 0 advantage over standard liege from the home game 1993年11月3日,帶著3 : 0的主場戰績,阿森納做客比利時進行優勝者杯決賽第二回合的比賽。

Birmingham have dropped out of the race for fulham ' s zat knight and turned their attentions to oguchi onyewu , who was on loan at newcastle from standard liege 伯明翰已退出對富翰中堅耐特的追逐并將注意力轉移到目前以租借身效力于紐卡索的后衛奧恩耶武。

Several clubs have asked for tudor , including west brom , middlesbrough and standard liege , but all have been put off by juve ' s asking price 已經有好幾家俱樂部表示對圖多爾有意,包括西布羅姆、米德爾斯堡和標準烈日隊,但是他們都難以接受尤文的出價。

Alas , my liege , my wife is dead to - night ; grief of my son ' s exile hath stopp ' d her breath : what further woe conspires against mine age 唉!殿下,我的妻子因為悲傷小兒的遠逐,已經在昨天晚上去世了;還有什么禍事要來跟我這老頭子作對呢?

Despite david trezeguet ' s brace , juventus lost their friendly 3 - 2 at standard liege last night , but didier deschamps was not disappointed 盡管特雷澤蓋表現神勇,尤文圖斯還是在昨晚2 : 3輸掉了對標準列日的這場客場友誼賽,但德尚并沒有失望

If an advisor says to me ` ` my liege , he is but one man . what can one man possibly do ? ' ' i will reply ` ` this . ' ' and kill the advisor 當我的顧問對我說: “王上,他只不過是一個人,能成得了甚麼大事. “我會回答: “這個. “然后宰了這個顧問

Lazio could move for standard liege winger milan rapaic when the transfer window reopens in january , according to reports in italy 拉齊奧準備在明年一月冬季轉會期引進比利時標準列日隊的邊翼米蘭.雷普卡。

University of liege , belgium , 31st international symposium on high performance liquid phase separations and related techniques 清華大學生醫工程與環境科學系主辦,第十三屆分析技術交流研討會。

As a result , the old lady of italian football will face standard liege in a friendly match on saturday evening instead 因此,意大利足球的老婦人改為在星期六晚上和標準列日隊進行一場友誼賽