
liddell n.利德爾〔姓氏〕。


Chris liddell , who recently left international paper co . ( ip . n : quote , profile , research ) to become chief financial officer at microsoft , said that the company would return to double - digit revenue growth for the fiscal year to june 2006 最近離開國際紙業公司,成了微軟財務總監的克理斯利德爾說,自2006年6月的這個財務年度,公司盈利將獲得雙位數的增長。

It also learned from and improved over the ideas of british military theoreticians , mainly basil liddell - hart , which openly published their new ideas about fast and deep armor advancement as the future combat tactic 他們也學習和改進了英國軍事學家的觀點,其中主要包括李德哈特公開出版的有關裝甲部隊快速縱深推進的未來新式戰術的新興觀點。

“ we came out of the ( fiscal 2005 ) year at 8 percent revenue growth and you ' ll see we ' re guiding for 10 to 12 percent , or double digit growth , for next year , “ liddell told reuters 利德爾告訴路透社: “ 2005的財務年度,我們的盈利增長了8 ,你將看到我們下一個財務年度的目標是增長10至12 ,或者其他雙位數的增長。 ”

Billy liddell won his 30th and final cap on this day in 1955 , as scotland beat northern ireland 2 - 1 at windsor park in belfast 1955年的今天,比利?李德爾第30次也是最后一次代表蘇格蘭國家隊比賽,作客貝爾法斯特2 : 1擊敗北愛爾蘭。

In his present mental state , he will never tells where he hid liddell 以他現在的精神狀況永遠不可能告訴我們林德爾在哪兒

Medical will move in as soon as we get liddell ' s location 一旦拿到林德爾的地址醫護人員就會馬上進來

Specifically the day that he extracted liddell out of russia 那天剛好就是林德爾逃出俄國的日子

Keep trying to get liddell ' s location 繼續試著找出林德爾的位置

A man like liddell can ' t just disappear 林德爾這樣的人不會消失

Jack , where do you want liddell moved 杰克,你想讓林德爾去哪兒

Calling you laura , imagining dr . liddell 叫你勞拉想象著林德爾醫生

Marshall , run a biometric of dr . liddell against the databases 馬歇爾,運行林德爾的參數

To reveal exactly where he relocated liddell 泄露出林德爾的精確位置所在

We ' ve moved up the timetable to get liddell out of minsk 是時候把林德爾弄出明斯克了

Then there must be a record of where liddell was relocated 肯定有記錄林德爾住哪兒

25 years ago , atticus liddell developed a radical 25年前,阿特庫斯?林德爾. .

He kept wanting to see his doctor - dr . liddell 他一直想看醫生-林德爾醫生

He kept wanting to see his doctor - - dr . liddell 他一直想看醫生- -林德爾醫生

But supposing jack knows where liddell is , why didn ' t 假設杰克知道林德爾的位置