
lick vt.1.舐;舐吃。2.(波浪、火焰等)觸及,蔓延,吞沒...

lick observatory

It ' s physically impossible for you to lick your elbow 你不可能舔到你自己的肘子。

But after all is said and done , nana licked her to fits 不過,娜娜比她還漂亮呢!

“ he ' s getting his licks in , ” jackson said “他的狀態有所回升。 ”杰克遜說。

Your right by saying nice i ' m virtually licking her 你還不如這么說我上過她了

Molly licked her face and squirmed with delight 莫利舔著她的臉,欣喜得扭動身子。

Kid , sometimes you just gotta know when you ' re licked 孩子,有時你不得不承認失敗

You shall lick my face and i shall lick your snout 你該舔我的臉,我該舔你的鼻子

Fantasizing about licking the foam off his lips .還在幻想從他唇邊吸去那些泡沫

And getting your toes licked by beautiful women 然后還可以讓美女舔你的腳趾頭

@ see me licking my lips , need a primitive fix @看我舔嘴唇需要原始的解決方案

Lay you two to one jenatzy licks him ruddy well hollow 杰納準定會徹底打敗他的。

Why do you lick your rifle ? it catches the light 你干嘛舔來復槍? -能捕捉光線

For directors we chose men who had sucessfully licked some disability problems in their own careers . 至于董事呢,我們選擇那些曾經在他們自己的事業過程中成功地克服過一些殘廢問題的人來擔任。

A different approach to build an imaging detector has been taken by lick observatory in developing the image-dissector scanner . 另一種成象探測器是黑克天文臺所研制的析象管掃描器。

The cat goes furtively downstairs, winding her lithe tail and licking her lips . 那只貓蜷著它那彎彎的尾巴,用舌頭舔著嘴角,賊頭賊腦地溜下樓去。

They felt for it in the darkness like pups licking the wounds of their mother . 他們在黑暗中圍著它東探西摸,仿佛一群小狗圍著母狗在給它舔傷口。

He looks for courtesy from his subordinates, but he doesn't expect them to lick his boots . 他期待下屬對他謙恭有禮,而不希望他們拍馬奉承。

I may not grow any bigger, but i'm big enough to lick any man ever born . 我可能不會再長個子,但象我這般大小足以痛打地球上任何一個人。

The problem may never come up. you still have to lick england . 這個問題可能永遠不會發生。你們還得把英國打敗才行。