
licit adj.合法的,正當的。adv.-ly


Whenever psychological consultors face to cope with the advisee ' s problems of values , he or she should comply with the rules of trying for the advisees ' maximum of benefit , analyzing the specific issues either to keep value neutrality or to carry out value intervention , on the basis of facts of the advisee ' s reality value intervention , which is licit , can be done with verbal means or nonverbal one , and the consultor may intervene in the advisee ' s values with value criteria of general significance 摘要心理咨詢中咨詢員面臨來訪者的價值觀問題時,應該具體問題具體分析,遵循靈活運用和追求來訪者利益最大化的原則,根據來訪者的實際情況來決定是保持價值中立或者是進行價值干預;價值干預是合法的;咨詢員既可以通過言語形式,也可以通過非言語形式對來訪者進行價值干預;咨詢員可以用具有普遍意義的價值標準對來訪者進行價值干預。

Similarly , we are carefully watching the issue of government procurement of software , an issue that has come to the fore in recent months . we are working with the chinese government and u . s . industry to ensure access to government purchasers , one of the few licit markets for legitimate software in china 他說: “簡言之,我們必須在2005年看到實質性進展,國務院將同國會在2005年預算法案中新設置的知識產權談判代表以及知識產權政策協調員共同努力,確保中國在這一關鍵領域取得進展。 ”

The expression “ reinvestment ” consists in the assignment of whole or part of the benefit or all other acquired incomes in a licit way during the implementation of a project of investment in vietnam , the financing of the realization of the aforesaid project or of a new project in vietnam , in accordance with the methods of investment determined by the present law 表達“再“已經在轉讓中的全部或部分的利益或其他一切后天收入的一種合法方式,在實施一個項目,在越南的投資,融資,實現上述項目或一個新的項目在越南,按照投資方式由目前的法律。

The board urges all governments that have not already done so to take steps to establish the necessary control mechanisms to monitor the licit trade in , uses of and requirements for substances in tables i and ii of the 1988 convention 麻管局敦請所有尚未建立起能夠對1988年公約表一和表二所列物質的合法貿易、用途和需要量進行監測的必要管制機制的政府采取措施建立該機制。

Considering changes of social relationship , protection of licit rights and maintenance of justice authority , it is necessary that suitable relief shall be offered to the third party who is not involved in the original trial 從適應社會關系的變化、保護合法權利以及維護司法權威三個方面的需要考慮,有必要對案外第三人提供相應救濟。

Licit opiate abuser 合法阿片濫用者