
licentiate n.1.碩士。2.(大學或學會等認可的)有開業資格的人。...


It is reported from peking that although the proposed imperial university has been given temporary quarters in the great temple known as the ma wang miao ( horse prince temple ) in peking , which contains some 280 rooms , these quarters are still too limited in view of the large number of doctors , masters of arts , and licentiates who have recently applied for the privilege of matriculating in that institution 據北京方面報道,盡管擬議中的京師大學堂已經得到了北京馬王廟這座約有280個房間的大寺廟作為臨時校址,但由于近來要到這所學校報名注冊的進士、舉人和秀才人數太多,所以地方仍顯得過于狹窄。

Whether , in notifying the candidates of the examination results , the medical council provides them with the marks they have obtained in different parts of the licentiate examination ; if not , why not and whether the medical council will consider enhancing the transparency of the licentiate examination by providing the above - mentioned marks to candidates 醫務委員會通知考生考試結果時,有否告知有關考生在執照試各部分的分數若否,原因為何及會否考慮告知考生上述分數以增加

The membership of the committee comprises the chairman of the internship sub - committee of the licentiate committee of the medical council of hong kong , representatives of the medical school of the two universities , ha executives and senior doctors in public hospitals 委員會成員包括香港醫務委員會執照組轄下駐院實習小組的主席、兩間大學醫學院的代表、醫管局的行政人員,以及公立醫院的高級醫生。

Licentiate degree studies last at least 3 years , engineering degree studies at least 3 , 5 years and master s degree studies usually 5 years ( in some cases 4 ) or at least 1 , 5 year for graduates of licentiate or engineering 取得學士文憑的學制至少為3年,工程師學位的學制至少為3 . 5年.碩士學位學制一般為5年(有的情況下為4年,對于持有學士或工程師學位的畢業生的學制為至少1

He is also chief examiner in community medicine and ethics of hong kong licentiate examination written paper . he received the award for chief executive commendation for community services in 2004 honours list of hong kong sar government 于2004年,李教授更榮獲香港特別行政區政府頒授行政長官社區服務獎狀及英國劍橋國際傳記名人錄中心頒授2004年優秀國際科學家。

Of the number of candidates who took the licentiate examination for non - commonwealth trained medical practitioners in 1996 , together with a breakdown of the examination results by different ranges of marks in the written and oral examinations 一九九六年有多少人報考專為在非英聯邦國家受訓人士而設的醫生執照試,請按考生的

The schools offer uniform master s courses or higher vocational level studies ( licentiate or engineer degrees ) and supplementary master s degree studies 這些學校提供統一的碩士課程,或高等職業研究水平課程(學士或工程師學位)和補充的碩士學位學習課程。

Of the criteria adopted by the medical council of hong kong the medical council in marking and how the pass mark of the licentiate examination is determined ; and 筆試和口試分數不同幅度列出有關人數醫務委員會以甚么準則評分及如何厘定執照試的合格分數及

Supplementary master s degree studies are aimed at graduates of licentiate or engineering degree studies 補充的碩士學位學習課程向取得學士學位或工程師學位的學生提供。