
licencee n.被許可的人,領有執照[許可證]的人;特許酒店。


The young plant propagation agreement , entitles the licencee - at his own or designated premises - to propagate the variety ( - ies ) , comprised by the agreement and to sell the propagation material to third party nurseries , provided such third party nurseries have signed or will sign an appropriate licence agreement , provided their intended use of the plant material 植物幼苗繁殖合約可讓被授權人在他的土定或者他指定的地點,在合約的范圍內繁殖各類品種,并且得以將繁殖材料出售給另一家苗圃商;不過該另一家苗圃商也要,或者將要簽署一份恰當的授權合約,里面陳述該苗圃商如何使用該植物材料。

In order to ensure that the organisation for holding the lottery activity will use the proceeds on the claimed purpose , the licencee must submit to ctel within a specified period a financial statement audited by a public accountant . the statement must set out the proceeds and expenses arising from the lottery activity 為了確保舉辦獎券活動的機構把籌得的款項用于聲稱的用途,持牌人必須在指定時限內向影視處處長提交一份有關及經執業會計師審計的財政報告,當中列明獎券活動的收入和支出。

The propagation agreement , entitles the licencee - at his own or designated premises - to propagate the variety ( - ies ) , comprised by the agreement for his own use and to produce and sell finished plants of the variety ( - ies ) for final consumption 植物繁殖合約可讓被授權人在他的土定或者他指定的地點,在合約的范圍內繁殖各類品種,來供自己的使用,并且可以生產以及出售該等品種的成株,以供最終的消費。

Agriculture , fisheries and conservation department - ex - gratia payments to pig farm licencees , one - off grants to assist affected pig farm and live pig transport workers and loans to live pig transporters 漁農自然護理署-向豬場持牌人發放特惠補助金發放一筆過補助金以協助受影響的豬場和活豬運輸業工人及為活豬運輸商開立的貸款

The contractual system consists of standard licence stipulations , similar to the overall rules and regulations of an insurance policy , outlining the rights and obligations of licensor as well as licencee 這個契約體系包括一份標準授權契約、這個契約類似保險單的整套規則條款,列舉出授權人與被授權人的權利以及義務。

We are interested in building links with uk and overseas organisations that may wish to act as accredited licencees and deliver ' marketing for results ' to their customers or clients 對于那些希望成為授權代表并將‘為結果營銷’傳遞給他們的消費者或客戶的海外組織,我們有興趣建立起他們與英國間鏈接的紐帶。

In addition , the licencee being he propagator , grower or dealer - will have to sign a licence agreement for the specific use of certain varieties , and valid for a specified period 此外,被授權人,不論是繁殖者、生產者或是經銷商,需要簽署一份授權合約,聲明針對某些品種的特定用途,以及特定的有效期間。

We are interested in building links with uk and overseas organisations that may wish to act as accredited licencees to deliver ' marketing for results ' to their customers or clients 我們有興趣與那些希望將‘為結果營銷’傳遞給消費者或客戶的海外組織建立起連接的紐帶。

The variety owner is entitled , at due notice , to perform control visits to the licencee ' s premises in order to verify the quantities of propagation and / or production 在適當的提前通知下,品種擁有者得在被授權人的地點進行管制性的探訪,以便確認繁殖/生產的數量。

The production agreement , entitles the licencee at his own or designated premises , to grow and sell the variety ( - ies ) in question for final consumption 生產合約可讓被授權人在他的土定或者他指定的地點,生產以及出售該等品種,以供最終的消費。

The licencee is also entitled , at his own or designated premises - to produce and sell finished plants of the variety ( - ies ) for final consumption 此契約也可讓被授權人在他的土定或者他指定的地點,生產以及販售該類品種的成株,以供最終的消費。

You should notify any changes of the business , e . g . name of company , address , personnel , etc . , of a licencee to our section as soon as possible 你應盡快就業務的任何改變,如公司名稱、地址、有關人員資料等通知本組。