
librarian n.1.圖書館長,圖書管理員。2.圖書館管理學專家。


If you fail to find them , librarians will help you 要是你找不到,圖書館館員會幫你的。

Research on librarian personal knowledge management 館員個人知識管理初探

On the consulting service of university subject librarian 高校學科館員咨詢服務工作初探

Status and prospect about the blog of librarians in china 我國圖書館人博客的現狀與展望

Discussion on continuing education of university ' s librarians 論高校圖書館員的繼續教育

The librarian took a book at random from the shelf 圖書管理員從書架上隨便拿了一本書。

Mental health navigation for academic librarians 高校圖書館員心理健康導航

Influence of digital library on librarians 數字圖書館及其對圖書館員的影響

On the librarians ' further education in compound library 復合圖書館館員的繼續教育問題

Librarian ' s ill mental health and its elimination 論高校圖書館員的心理不健康及其消除

What do you do every day as a librarian 作為圖書管理員,你每天都做什么?

And remember , i ' m head librarian , all right 記住,我是首席管理員,明白嗎

The school librarian always told us to be quiet 學校的圖書管理員總是叫我們保持安靜。

Planning and management of librarian ' s occupation career 圖書館員職業生涯規劃管理初探

From being a librarian she is now an mp 她從一個圖書館管理員當上了如今的下議院議員。

The management of librarians in reader service branch 流通臺工作人員的管理

Librarians spend a lot of time classifying books 圖書館員花許多時間將書籍加以分類。

Librarians ' quality and library ' s sustainable development 館員素質與圖書館可持續發展

An elementary exploration on the production of librarians 圖書館員生產初探