
libido n.性的本能,性欲;【心理學】“利比多”〔弗洛伊德心理分...


So in your pursuit of truth , if you take to further efforts and indulge in concentration , training of the mind , forced abstinence , forced meditation , or complete slavery to the emotional attachment of the mind , the libido with the aid of the affected superego may connect you to the collective subconscious paralok where all dead souls - bad , good , or saintly - exist 在追求真理的過程中,如果你過度控制心靈,作守竅及強迫性的靜坐,又或者你完全像奴隸般把心靈托付給一個假導師,你便會接上集體潛意識,即所有不良以至邪惡的亡靈之所在。那些亡靈會在你身上作用,使你得到超能力

Three teenagers may be on the hook for a hefty fine if a court decides that their festive firecrackers outside an eastern german farm scared the libido right out of an ostrich named gustav . rico gabel , a farmer in lohsa , northeast of dresden , is claiming 6 , 450 in damages for the alleged antics of the three youths , ages 17 - 18 , between dec . 27 and 29 , 2005 據美聯社3月5日報道,這家農場坐落在位于該國德累斯頓市東北部的洛薩市內,農場主利科加貝爾表示,那3位年齡在17歲到18歲之間的青少年于2005年12月27日至29日在其農場附近因放鞭炮給他帶來了6450美元的損失,他要求對方就此予以賠償。

Confucian business management mixed the confucianist ’ s merits in ethics 、 the ideological emphasize on rational nature with the commercial activities field have moulded a viewpoint of value which unificated the righteousness with benefit and combined the reasonableness with libido by using righteousness . these values make a necessary restriction in our economic pursues and utility searchings , representing an appropriate combination of utility doctrine with the morals doctrine of chinese tradition 儒商管理把儒家長于倫理、注重理性的思想觀念引入商業經營領域,塑造了義利結合、理欲兼溶的經營價值觀念,對純商業活動產生的功利追求和物欲沖動加以必要的限制和調整,代表著中國傳統的道德理性主義和經濟功利主義的適度結合。

Three teenagers may be on the hook for a hefty fine if a court decides that their festive firecrackers outside an eastern german farm scared the libido right out of an ostrich named gustav 2005年年底,居住在德國東部的3個不滿20歲的男孩跑到當地一家農場外面燃放鞭炮,但此舉竟使得農場內一只鴕鳥在一段時間內喪失了性能力,于是那位農場主便把這幾個莽撞少年告上了法庭。

The left - side system in medicine they say it remains dormant caters to the subconscious mind of the psyche libido . both these sympathetic - nerve systems are called the sun and moon channels i . e . , surya nadi and chandra nadi 此所以人不能認識自己的普遍無意識,他被自我我的意識和超我思想積集和社會制約所桎梏,不能達到無意識的境界。

An unpublished study from france reports that a daily dose of 1 to 1 . 5 grams of the extract , 62 % of patients with loss of libido had significant improvement while 51 % of patients with ed felt that muira pauma was of benefit 法國有一份未公開的報告證明在每日攝取1 . 5克? ?木提取物后, 62 %性冷淡患者有了顯著改善,而51 % ed患者感覺良好。

“ this could explain his delayed natural growth , delayed onset of puberty and lack of libido , “ reads the study , published in the latest issue of the canadian medical association journal 刊在最新一期加拿大醫藥學會期刊中的研究報告說:這可以解釋丁丁為何發育較遲緩,好像仍然處在青春期,并且缺乏情欲。

Among the biggest success of this movie , we ' ll never forget a group of wonderful bad guys , guided by their libido as much as their thirst for money 在這部大獲成功的作品中,我們永遠無法忘記那群受到生理欲望和金錢饑渴的驅使的精彩的壞蛋。

Harry sanborn jack nicholson is a perennial playboy with a libido much younger than his years . during what was to have been a romantic weekend with 一次,他與新歡瑪蓮阿曼達彼堤飾在她母親的海灘大屋歡渡浪漫周末時,夏里突然心

The excitement in sense , stimulated by beauty economy and “ libido “ economy , replaces the pleasure in aesthetic activities “美女經濟” 、 “力比多經濟”誘發的官能快感代替了審美的愉悅。

South suffolk rams possess great libido and seem to last more years which is a great plus for the commercial breeder 南薩福克公羊擁有強大的生命力,能為商業交配提供更多的時間。

The left side sympathetic nervous system libido has the power to store all that is dead in us 左脈,即左交感神經系統libido能夠儲存那些自創造以來所有已死的事物。

Their conversations focus on the complicated relationship between the libido and the intellect 他們的談話內容主要是性與思維的關系。

It becomes heavy by storing , the conditioning of the mind through libido 它通過左脈儲存我們的思想積習和社會制約,會變得越來越大。

. . . experiences certain peaks and valleys within his male libido from time to time 都時常經歷著高潮和低谷

Experiences certain peaks and valleys within his male libido from time to time 都時常經歷著高潮和低谷

Libido is an expression taken from the theory of the emotions . 力比多是從情緒理論中借用來的一個語詞。