
liberty n.1.自由(權)。2.解放,釋放。3.〔pl.〕特許權...

liberty bell

Sir george staunton was at liberty to adopt him as his heir, if he pleased . 只要他高興的話,喬治斯湯頓爵士可以認孩子為嗣子。

Then he hurried away, to do what he could to secure his master's liberty . 接著他急忙走開,盡力設法搭救他的主人,使他恢復自由。

I took the liberty of telling him what you had said to me the other day, bertha . 早些天,我擅自把你對我說的話告訴了他,伯莎。

Then i crept beneath a heap of dead bodies, but left my eyes at liberty . 隨后我爬到一堆死尸底下可是我還是張開著眼睛四下觀望。

Meanwhile he gave to dublin its first charter of municipal liberties . 與此同時,他讓都柏林破天荒第一次獲得都市自治敕書。

I desired liberty; for liberty i gasped, for liberty i uttered a prayer . 我想望自由,我渴望自由,為了自由,我作了祈禱。

Corporations were therefore at liberty to appeal to federal courts for protection . 這樣,公司就有權請求聯邦法院保護。

The ancient liberties and traditions of your country will be restored . 你們國家具有悠久歷史的自由與傳統也將得到恢復。

Elinor was then at liberty to think over the representations of her mother . 埃莉諾此時能自由地去思考她母親的陳述了。

His eyes meanwhile were at liberty to examine mr. marvel's dusty figure . 他順便打量了一下馬弗爾先生滿身塵土的樣子。

Cathy and i escaped from the washhouse to have a ramble at liberty . 凱帝和我從洗衣房溜出來想自由自在地溜達溜達。

From now on you are the official statue of liberty of this street . 從今以后,你就是這條街上名正言順的自由神像。

There is need of a strong public opinion in favour of liberty itself . 必須有一種有利于自由本身的強有力的輿論。

I took the liberty of borrowing your lawnmower while you were away . 你不在的時候我擅自借用了你的割草機。

They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty . 他們是我們維護自由的唯一可靠保證。

I am taking the liberty of interrupting you in your daily professional . 恕我冒昧耽擱你的日常業務工作。

I should take the liberty of introducing her to my admirable aunt . 我想斗膽把她介紹給我那可敬的姑母。

Those are the values that the statue of liberty represents . 上述幾點也就是自由神像所代表的價值觀念。

It is not the sole purpose of law to protect individual liberty . 保護個人自由并不是法律的唯一目的。