
liberia n.利比里亞〔非洲〕。


If you come from such countries as afghanistan , nigeria , ghana , bangladesh , somalia , cameroon , liberia , uganda , palestine , and have hong kong id card , you may apply for on - site visa at the customs ; in case you have no id card , you have to apply for a visa at hong kong ministry of foreign affairs 國外參展商和專業觀眾如來自國家為:阿富漢、尼日利亞、加納、孟加拉國、索馬里、喀麥隆、利比里亞、烏干達、巴勒斯坦,如有香港身份證,可以直接在入境海關關口辦理落地簽證(指在入境關口簽證) ,否則,也需要到香港外交部或本國辦理簽證。

In providing $ 1 . 3 billion for united nations peacekeeping missions , the measure funds u . s . contributions for operations in liberia , democratic republic of congo , sudan , ethiopia , eritrea , haiti , east timor , the middle east and kosovo 美國給國際和平任務提供了13億美元的資金,這項政策讓美國在利比亞、剛果、蘇丹、東帝汶、中東以及科索沃地區發展方面做出了巨大貢獻。

We are resolved , too , to share the burden to bring longstanding conflicts in sudan , liberia , northern ireland and elsewhere to an end . such achievements will build momentum for the success of american diplomacy worldwide 我們也決心為結束在蘇丹、利比里亞、北愛爾蘭及其它地區的長期沖突而分擔責任。實現這些目標將推動美國外交在全世界的成功。

Liberia is one of the countries on his itinerary , along with benin , tanzania , rwanda and ghana . he says overall , africa is in the midst of great change and is now a place of potential 利比里亞和貝寧、坦桑尼亞、盧旺達以及加納,都在布什總統這次訪問非洲的行程中。布什總統說,整體來說,非洲在大幅度改革的過程中,這是一個有潛力的大陸。

Because inclusion in the index requires at least three sources afghanistan , fiji , liberia , palestine , and somalia , with only two sources in 2006 , were not included 由于得出指數至少需要三個參數來源,而阿富汗、斐濟、利比理亞、巴勒斯坦及索馬里在2006年只有兩個參數來源,因此未被囊括表中。

Both banks survived the inter - war years but the world trade slump led to the closure of operations in the canary islands , liberia , the netherlands , and equatorial guinea 兩家銀行都在兩次大戰中存活下來,但是國際貿易的減少使得加那利群島、賴比瑞亞、荷蘭、赤道幾內亞的分行被迫關閉。

Both banks survived the inter - war years but the world trade slump led to the closure of operations in the canary islands , liberia , the netherlands , and equatorial guinea 兩家銀行都在兩次大戰中存活下來,但是國際貿易的減少使得加那利群島賴比瑞亞荷蘭赤道幾內亞的分行被迫關閉。

A few developing countries ? afghanistan , bosnia , liberia and rwanda ? have had significant influxes in recent years , but these reflect mainly the movement of refugees 有幾個開發中國家近來有許多人移入,但是主要是難民,例如阿富汗、波士尼亞、利比亞、盧安達。

The house bill fully funds requested levels for liberia , sudan and haiti , providing $ 450 million for sudan , including $ 138 million for darfur 白宮的資金充分的投資在利比里亞、蘇丹和海地的需要程度上,四千五百萬給蘇丹,其中一千三百八十萬提供給達爾福爾。

Almost all of the 1 , 600 chinese peacekeepers deployed ( including in lebanon , congo and liberia ) are engineers , transport troops or medical staff 中國維和部隊被派往的地區包括黎巴嫩、剛果和利比亞,維和人員總共1600人,他們都是工程師,通信兵和醫護人員。

The prosecution says that mr taylor controlled everything throughout the conflict , even after becoming liberia ' s president in 1997 在法庭訴訟中講道,泰勒先生在整個暴亂中控制著一切,甚至在1997年他成為了利比里亞的總統之后,他仍手握控制權。

The prosecution says that mr taylor controlled everything throughout the conflict , even after becoming liberia ' s president in 1997 在法庭訴訟中講道,泰勒先生在整個* *中控制著一切,甚至在1997年他成為了利比里亞的總統之后,他仍手握控制權。

The conference of the parties recommends that , all parties continue to suspend commercial trade in specimens of cites - listed species with liberia until further notice 該國的所有屬于《瀕危物種公約》物種貨品的貿易,直至另函通知。

Liberia ' s president charles taylor resigned and went into exile in nigeria on august 11 . vice - president moses blah was sworn in as president 8月11日,利比里亞總統查爾斯?泰勒辭職,流亡尼日利亞;副總統摩西?布拉赫宣誓就任總統。

The united states supports basic education in liberia by training teachers and founding the accelerated learning program for young students 美國支持賴比瑞亞基本教育,將訓練老師并資助加速學習計劃,以幫助青年學生。

President ellen johnson sirleaf of liberia canceled her scheduled talk a week before the conference , organizers said 據組織方透露,利比里亞總統艾倫.約翰遜.舍爾麗芙在大會開始一星期前取消了她原計劃的發言。

The trip - - from february 15th through the 21st - - will take them to benin , tanzania , rwanda , ghana and liberia 他們這次定于2月15號到21號的出訪行程將包括貝寧、坦桑尼亞、盧旺達、加納和利比里亞。

Hu left for liberia from cameroon , where he signed a series of economic agreements , including more than 54 million dollars in loans 他在喀麥隆簽署了一系列經貿協議,包括總額5400萬美元的貸款。

He will be the first chinese leader to visit liberia since the two countries reestablished diplomatic relations in 2003 他將是中國和利比里亞2003年恢復邦交以來訪問利比里亞的第一位中國領導人。