
liberation n.1.釋放,解放。2.〔化〕釋出,放出,析出(作用)。...


Before liberation , they subsisted by begging 解放前,他們靠討飯維持生活。

Many people has offered out life to the liberation war 許多人為解放戰爭獻出了生命。

The traffic development in three gorges area after liberation 建國以后的三峽交通發展

My vocational career in financial circles around liberation 我在建國前后的金融業生涯

Characteristics and laws of women ' s liberation movement 世界婦女解放運動的特點和規律

W : what do you think about the women ' s liberation movement 你如何看待婦女解放運動?

Women ' s viewpoint of liberation in the new - period novels 論新時期小說中的婦女解放觀

Islamic liberation party amp; central asian security 伊斯蘭解放黨與中亞安全

I still memorize the day of our hometown ' s liberation 我仍記得我的故鄉解放的那天。

China is no longer what it used to be before liberation 中國不再是解放前的樣子了。

History of the palestine liberation organization 巴勒斯坦解放組織的發展歷史

A new era of human liberation is beginning 一個人類解放的新時代正在開始。

Ten years ago , this country achieved liberation 這個國家在十年前獲得解放。

Only after liberation did he get a full - time job 只是在解放后他才找到了專職工作。

The effects of your damned liberation theology 你該死的解放神學所產生的效果

Liberation and alienation : dual character of aesthetics 從另外幾個角度思考異化問題

Conveying love and liberation on chinese valentine s day 情人節愛與自在的聯誼活動

Zou tao - fen ' s early ideology of women ' s liberation 論鄒韜奮早期的婦女解放思想

What do you think about the women ' s liberation movement 你如何看待婦女解放運動?