
liberate vt.1.解放,釋放;解除;使脫離。2.【化學】釋出,放...


You ' re doing this to liberate the remans 你做這些是為了解放雷瑪族人嗎?

Becoming liberated by getting a glimpse of the master 看明師一眼即得解脫

The resistance is trying to liberate the city themselves . . 抵抗軍企圖獨力解放整座城市

Beijing , which was liberated in 1948 , is our capital 北京是我們的首都,她于1948年解放。

The prisoners were liberated by the new government 新政府釋放了在押犯。

Liberate formaldehyde : up to e0 , e1 standard of europe 甲醛釋放量:達到歐洲e0 、 e1標準

Revolution means liberating the productive forces 革命意味著解放生產力。

The serfs were liberated after abolishing serfdom 廢除農奴制度后,農奴們獲得了解放。

The resistance is trying to liberate the city themselves 抵抗軍企圖獨力解放整座城市

Revolution means liberating the productive forces 革命就是為了解放生產力。

Yeah , i ' m ignorant ? . you ' re liberating my country 我無理?你來解放我的國家

Zhao shuli : a beijing author from the liberated area 來到北京市的解放區作家

If it doesn t come , it s fine . you re liberated 如果不來也很好,你就解脫了

Body and soul ? thus will and can be liberated forever 身心將會被永遠地解放。

This has also further liberated the national spirit 這也使民族精神荻得了新的解放

Liberate yourself from desire , and you ' ll find . . 從欲望中解脫出來,你就會發現. .

Liberate yourself from desire , and you ' ll find 從欲望中解脫出來,你就會發現

Master s power liberates my two mothers master s wonders 明師的力量讓我娘超生

I felt , but i felt liberated and relaxed 我摔倒了,但卻覺得解脫了,變得輕松了