
liberalize vt.1.使自由化;使自由主義化。2.放寬限制。3.解除...


Clocks will be one of britain ' s weapons against problem gambling when it liberalizes the sector , allowing a new wave of large las vegas - style casinos across the country , the government said last thursday ( mar . 09 , 2006 ) 英國政府上周四表示,在放開對賭博業限制,允許在全國范圍新開一些拉斯韋加斯式大賭場的同時,在賭場內掛放鐘表將成為預防問題賭博的手段之一。

In the long run , we expect china to further liberalize to economy by cutting tariffs and opening up the services and financial sectors to foreigners as well as to reduce its presence in state owned banks and enterprises 從長遠的觀點來看,我們期望中國通過減低關稅,對外開放服務業和金融業使經濟進一步得到解放,同時減少對國有銀行和企業的參與程度。

To urge a country to liberalize or open its capital market too quickly or to request an overflow of capital in the country would only result in what we call “ more haste , less speed ” and would only undermine the economy of the country concerned 過快地要求一個國家開放資本市場,過分地擴大資本的流動性,往往欲速不達,很可能破壞這個國家的經濟。

Clocks will be one of britain ' s weapons against problem gambling when it liberalizes the sector , allowing a new wave of large las vegas - style casinos across the country , the government said last thursday 英國政府上周四表示,在放開對賭博業限制,允許在全國范圍新開一些拉斯韋加斯式大賭場的同時,在賭場內掛放鐘表將成為預防問題賭博的手段之一。

First , we are not calling for an immediate full float with fully liberalized capital markets . this would be a mistake at this time - - china s banking sector is not prepared for such a move today 首先,我們并不要求立即實行全面浮動和徹底開放資本市場。此舉目前暫不可行,因為中國的銀行業尚未為這類行動做好準備。

However , the prc government has taken gradual measures to liberalize interest rates by widening the band within which commercial banks may set their renminbi lending rates around the benchmark rates 然而,中國政府已采取漸進措施,藉擴大商業銀行以指引利率為基準厘定的人民幣借款利率的范圍,以開放利率管制。

The merged scheme would have an expanded coverage of works , liberalized eligibility criteria and simplified procedures to assist owners to maintain and improve the safety of their premises 合并后的計劃所涵蓋的工程范圍較廣,接受申請的準則較寬,而申請程序亦大為簡化,有助業主進行維修和改善樓宇安全。

For example , the chinese have recently taken measures to liberalize certain capital flows , they are recapitalizing their banks , and they are working to develop a currency derivatives market 例如,中國最近已采取措施在某種程度上允許資本流動。中國還在進行銀行資產調整,努力發展貨幣衍生產品市場。

China ' s yi registered as outstanding chinese service providers , has fully liberalized the registration of chinese domain names , domain names recently also introduced price cuts and benefits activities 中國易訊作為優秀的中文注冊服務提供商,已經全面開放中文域名的注冊,近期還推出域名降價讓利活動。

Our policy to liberalize the telecommunications market has reached a new milestone with the full opening up of the fixed telecommunications network services market on 1 january 2003 本港一向奉行開放電訊市場的政策。當固定電訊網絡服務市場于2003年1月1日全面開放后,該政策已達至一個新的里程碑。

Telecommunications liberalization has been impressive , but it has been stopped short by the decision not to allow full competition in local fixed network services , creating an “ almost “ liberalized market 電訊業的開放令人印象深刻,但是卻止步于不允許本地固定網絡服務全面競爭的決定。

First , let s talk about the changes that are opening up hong kong . we have welcomed hong kong s efforts to liberalize the telecommunications and broadcast markets 首先,來談談香港的新開放。我們歡迎香港為進一步開放電訊及電子媒體廣播市場所作的努力,這是邁出的一個基本的經濟步伐。

Additionally , china has committed to liberalize distribution services for all agricultural products , except tobacco , allowing us companies to distribute and market their products in china 此外,中國承諾開放除煙草業以外的所有農產品的分銷服務,允許美國公司在中國分銷和出售產品。

China , as you have heard minister shi guangsheng say in his plenary statement a few minutes ago , china supports new global negotiations to liberalize market access 這是因為,正如你們已經聽到石廣生部長幾分鐘前在全體會議上的講話中所說的那樣,中國支持開放市場的新的全球談判。

However , this perception reflects unawareness of the seriousness of the economic challenges facing hong kong , as china will further liberalize its economy after the accession to the wto 可是,這種批評卻忽略了香港經濟未來所面對的重大挑戰中國加入世貿后將開放國內市場。

The china national tourism administration and the ministry of commerce lowered the entry level requirements and liberalized the restrictions for foreign investment in domestic travel agencies 中國國家旅游局和商務部放寬了準入規定并放開了對國外投資國內旅行社所做的限制。

Mr siu said , “ the government will take steps to modernize and liberalize building rules and regulations and to remove barriers to innovative design and modern technology . 蕭炯柱說:政府會采取措施使建筑物條例及規例現代化及較寬松,為引入創新設計及現代技術清除障礙。

In january , the ta announced details on the implementation of the policy to fully liberalize the ftns market from 1 january 2003 with no pre - set limit on the number of licences to be issued 電訊局長在一月宣布自二零零三年一月一日起全面實施開放固網服務市場政策的詳情。

Mr siu said , “ the government will take steps to modernize and liberalize building rules and regulations and to remove barriers to innovative design and modern technology . 蕭炯柱說:政府會采取措施使建筑物條例及規例現代化及較寬松,為引入創新設計及現代技術清除障礙。