
liberalism n.自由主義。


The social contexts of “ politics of recognition ” contains two aspects : the first is the prominence of the multicultural phenomenon and identity conflict , which is embodied in the social conflict between the groups which are of different identities and in the conflict between them and public authority when they appeal to it . the second is the academic response of some strands of political philosophy to this problem . the thesis focuses on two strands that are most typical , namely liberalism and communitarianism 本文首先簡單勾勒了泰勒“承認的政治”的現實背景及其基本內涵,然后在此基礎上系統闡述了其合理性問題,包括它的理論基礎,以及在當代西方社會特定條件下, “承認的政治”應該采取的特定形式的合理性問題,以期能夠提供一種社群主義回應多元文化問題的理論視野。

( this is one of t he major features of the modernity of his aesthetic educational psyche . ) yet , once a worship of confucian doctrine of song and ming dynasties and later a modern intellectual of liberalism , mr . cai was shown in his ideas to be deeply influenced by the tradition of “ ideology first “ on the one hand , and on the other hand , to be a unique modern enlightener , he reevaluated the traditional values according to the needs for survival in new conditions . so what he tried to do goes far beyond the explanatory power of the traditional ideology and the modernity , and rather , is an attempt to reconstruct them )當然,我們亦發現作為一位曾經拜倒在宋明儒腳下而站起來的近代自山主義知識分于,他的美育觀體現出他一方面深受“思想(觀念)優先”這一傳統意識的影響,另一方面(尤其值得關注)扮演了獨特的現代啟蒙者角色:他依照觀代生存需要來重新估定了傳統價值,這顯然不只是傳統的思想道德范疇能夠予以詮釋的,而是一條探求如何實現傳統重整的現代性理路。

It is difficult to use just one kind of theory model to explain present difficulties in cooperation and the ways of future cooperation . therefore , it is easier to explain the present and future situation of northeast asian cooperation if realism , liberalism and constructivism are synthetically used . as a result of 最后,本文以朝核危機和六方會談作為個案,具體分析了類似這樣的非傳統安全問題所產生的地區集體認同,能否在東北亞地區成功實現制度創新、達成國際合作。

The relation between feminism and international economic law do n ' t be studied deeply by the scholars , but with the development of the international economic integration and globalization , the feminist start pay attention to these influences that the development bring on to the women , and put forward the challenge to the international economic organizations at the same time , and reply the threat that trade liberalism and globalization has brought 自上個世紀七十年代,隨著婦女運動的深入,女性主義者逐漸意識到平等本身也是一種歧視,她們追求的男女平等,相對于男性只是“機會平等” ,而非“實質平等” 。面對男權社會的隱性不公,女性抗議的呼聲越來越高,她們知道唯有擁有更多權力才能掌握自身的命運。

Introduction of the western market analysis found that the process of economic development in the west government and the economic behavior of government intervention is less economic liberalism , particularly keynesianism ’ s national interventionism in the market deep research to demonstrate the need for government intervention , especially the market will lead to social injustice 住房不公平是當今中國社會的一個大問題,然而對住房不公平的原因的認識大多還處于“住房市場化必然導致住房不公平”的階段,因此要求遏制市場化、批判市場化,收縮市場化,甚至是倒退回計劃經濟狀態的呼聲日漸高漲。

This part expatiates the function of the government in the aspects of internationally negotiating , trading promoting , industry safety guaranteeing and intelligent property right protection etc . the core of macro - function foreign trade of government is studying out the trade liberalism strategy that can promote the development of national economic 在政府的微觀外貿職能部分,詳細闡述了政府在國際談判、貿易促進、產業安全保障及知識產權保護等方面所肩負的職責和所起的作用。政府的宏觀外貿職能的核心顯然是擬定適合本國經濟發展的貿易戰略。

In the book political liberalism and justice as fairness ? ? a restatement , john rawls gives a new argumentation of the two principles of justice . it mainly embodies that john rawls demonstrates his conception of justice as political conception of justice . political conception of justice has three features : firstly , its theme is the basic structure of society ; secondly , it is the essential part of the constitutional democratic society ; thirdly , its content is expressed in the basic idea of a democratic society ’ s public political culture 為達此目的,他做了以下努力:首先,把正義觀念嚴格限定為政治正義觀念;其次,采取契約論方法,借助原初狀態和無知之幕的理論預設,同時處處比照于功利主義原則,對兩個正義原則是最合適的政治正義原則進行論證,并考察其現實性;最后,討論兩個正義原則的應用問題,以表明它與人們的正義信念相符。

The fundamental reasons are liberalism and rationalism . they not only affect on english national character and developmental model directly , but public school ' s characteristic indirectly ; lastly : revealing public school ' s value . meanwhile , it can offer benefitical references about key middle school private schools ^ moral training and teaching quality in china 它所做出的貢獻和其賴以生存的社會條件的存在使其在近期內不可能消亡;另一方面,它的成功發展為我們重新思考重點中學的去留、民辦教育的生存、德育工作的具體操作以及教學質量的提高開辟了一條新的思路。

Abstract : by comparing different reading leo strauss by gan yang and liu xiaofeng , especially by analyzing art of writing used by gan yang in introduction to political philosophy of leo strauss , the author argues that gan yang keeps renaissance of chinese classical political philosophy as esoteric teaching behind the political liberalism and cultural conservatism as exoteric teaching , and either political reading by gan yang or philosophical reading by liu xiaofeng is based upon philosophical thinking of the fate of chinese civilization in modernity 本文比較了甘陽和劉小楓對斯特勞斯的不同解讀,尤其是通過對甘陽的《斯特勞斯政治哲學選刊導言》一文的寫作藝術的分析,揭示出甘陽通過“雙重保守主義“顯白教誨以表達復興中國古典政治哲學的思想,進而主張,無論甘陽對斯特勞斯的政治解讀還是劉小楓對斯特勞斯的哲學解讀,都包含了對中國文明之現代命運的哲學思考。

But in regard to this issue , we know well of the views of liberalism but little of those of communitarianism . so it ’ s not in accord with the importance of communitarian views on the issue . charles taylor is one of the most important communitarian thinkers , and his “ politics of recognition ” is the most typical theory on the multicultural problem 在社群主義這一流派中,它的重要代表人物查爾斯?泰勒對這個問題做出了具有代表性的、關鍵性的貢獻,這集中表現在他的“承認的政治”的思想中。

The author gives a brief outline of the developing history of the liberalism and the protectionism , analyzes to the skeptical even negative opinions , and points out that the wto doesn ’ t express the complete approvel or opposite to the liberalism and the protectionism . the trade liberalization isn ’ t the reason of the problem , and it should be insisted firmly on the contrary 本文試圖對《 wto的未來? ?應對新千年體制性挑戰》中所提出的問題和觀點予以梳理,追溯其淵源,進行背景分析和理論研究,并將其中引發討論的各家觀點加以整理和歸納,以此作為進一步研究的引子。

Then the author anaysizes pragmatism of the method of hushi . besides , the author compares the different fates of liberalism , conservatism and radicalism in china and reviews the effecting of the methodof hushi to china liberalism . conclusion : the author thinks that the method of hushi contributes to establishing the modem scholarship model and the acquisition of modern thought model , as a result , the method of hushi lay a foundation on chinese modernization progress 結語:從胡適方法對現代學術范式的建立和現代思維模式的習得兩個方面的貢獻,特別是它所具有的假設主義的因子同時又避免了現代中國唯科學主義的弊端,看出它在中國現代化進程中的奠基功用,歸結其作為一種現代中國元方法的存在。

It is difficult to use just one kind of theory model to explain the current difficulties in cooperation and the ways of future cooperation . therefore , the present dissertation aims to offer a framework of northeast asian security cooperation by synthesizing realism , liberalism and constructivism . 在傳統安全領域,根據理性的“經濟人”假設,借助博弈論的工具,對后冷戰時期東北亞地區不同權力結構情勢下的國際制度供給模式和特征進行了具體分析。

Thus rawls ’ s theory of justice simply is the theoretical rethinking and value reconstruction as a response to value pluralism and communitarianism etc . thus the best way to study the transition of western modern liberalism is to study on the theory of rawls ’ s justice 以《正義論》為正義理論發展的分水嶺,這三個階段可以分為早期羅爾斯階段,成熟的羅爾斯階段,以及后期羅爾斯階段。第一個階段可以看成是羅爾斯正義理論的準備階段。

It is further argued that in this aged of late modern exhaustion the critical thrust of modernity is best represented by liberalism , which serves as a bulwark of post - metaphysical sobriety against all sorts of conservative / romantic regressions 值此各類傳統勢力甚囂塵上、各種保守意識正忙著提供興奮劑與避風港之際,正視現代性的嚴峻要求,乃是維持社會改造的動能,維護社會進步遠景的重要一步。

It is further argued that in this age of late modern exhaustion the critical thrust of modernity is best represented by liberalism , which stands as a bulwark of post - metaphysical sobriety against all sorts of conservative / romantic regressions 值此各類傳統勢力甚囂塵上、各種保守意識正忙著提供興奮劑與避風港之際,正視現代性的嚴峻要求,乃是維持社會改造的動能、維護社會進步遠景的重要一步。

It is further argued that in this age of late modern exhaustion the critical thrust of modernity is best represented by liberalism , which serves as a bulwark of post - metaphysical sobriety against all sorts of conservative / romantic regressions 值此各類傳統勢力甚囂塵上、各種保守意識正忙著提供興奮劑與避風港之際,正視現代性的嚴峻要求,乃是維持社會改造的動能、維護社會進步遠景的重要一步。

In this part , the author first studies the history of the liberalism , then discriminate the concept , nature and value of liberty detailly . the fourth part is on the order . hayek ' s theory of law is founded on the integrate social order 第四部分:秩序論哈耶克的法治理論是建立在完整的社會秩序觀之上的,法治之規定性的確定最終源于對自生自發秩序的洞見與體認。

Besides , this paper studies the characteristics and defects of liberalism , marxism and cultural conservatism in china through analyzing the surface differences of their attitudes towards confucius 它們以孔子思維反對孔子,揭示他們對待孔子傳統中遇到的“普遍性”和“特殊性”之困境。