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liberal education 文科教育〔相對于職業教育,專門技術教育而言,原意為自由人...

liberal party

To reach the teaching goal of cultivating creativity talents , the reform directions of curriculum structure in developed countries can give us many enlightenments : broadening the major specifications , enlarging the proportion of optional courses , strengthening humanistic courses , constructing project - organized curricula , increasing the number of international curricula , and arranging the liberal education curricula and major education curricula simultaneously . what ' s more , it is emphasized that the reform of curriculum structure in chinese colleges must be based on the consideration of reality rather than merely mock the successful ways and measures which the developed countries have undertaken 在創新性人才培養目標的達成上,發達國家大學課程結構的改革動向為中國提供了許多有益啟示:中國大學課程結構改革必須注重拓寬專業口徑、擴大選修比例、加強人文課程、開展課題教學、增設國際課程以及實施普通教育課程和專業教育課程結構上的“四年一貫” ;并強調:改革既要借鑒發達國家的成功經驗,又須立足于中國國情和大學自身校情,切不可全盤照搬。

Secondly , the solution to the employment of our higher education ' s development is : reform higher education , make the channel of employment smooth , lay stress on the fact that different kinds of colleges and universities should pay more attention to teaching reform according to the current employment characteristics specially for such colleges and universities which have not strict and steady opposite relationship between supply and demand , should widen the concept of the speciality , and improve the graduating students “ adaptability to the society through liberal education and the exploiting educatio n 第二,解決我國高等教育發展進程中的畢業生就業問題的出路是:改革高等教育,暢通就業渠道;強調各類高等學校應該根據目前畢業生的就業特點注重教學改革,尤其是那些畢業生就業市場上供需之間不存在嚴格穩定對應關系的高等學校更應該拓寬專業概念,通過通識教育和創業教育提高畢業生就業的適應性。

The components include the purpose , function , and task of higher education , the structure and system of higher education , the relationship of liberal education and higher education , the curriculum of classical great books , the ideal university , and the university spirit , etc . the last part evaluates hutchins “ thought of higher education 全面闡述了赫欽斯高等教育思想的各個組成部分,其中包括大學教育的目的、功能、任務;大學教育的組織和系統;文雅教育;古典名著課程;理想大學和大學精神等。第三章:赫欽斯高等教育思想比較手口評價。

In order to revitalize a humanist ' s interests in studying the ontological conditions of a man being a human being , oakeshott therefore moves to launch a subsequent critique of social education in favor of liberal education , a critique which echoes his famous attack on rationalism and enterprise association in every respect 為了重振人文主義者之于人之所以為人的本體條件的探究興趣,歐克秀因此呼應于他對理性主義與企業組織已所提出的著名攻擊,進而對社會教育思想展開另一次嚴峻批判,但求伸張人文教育思想的時代意義。

This dissertation presented the evolvement course of the relation between humanistic education and science education in western university by historical reflection , discussed the inevitability , necessity and possibility of the combination of humanistic education and science education from angles of view of the subjective structure and the theory of knowledge , and also hackled the ideas of the combination of both . then it put forward some viewpoints by grasping the characteristics of history and actuality of the relation of both . the history of western higher education indicates that liberal education virtually is the combination of humanistic education and science education , and general education is the modern pattern , which is the extension of the idea of liberal education 本研究從歷史學、哲學和教育學的視角,運用歷史的、辯證的立場、觀點和方法,通過對西方大學人文教育與科學教育關系演變歷程的鉤沉,從人的主體結構與知識形態兩個視角,論述了大學人文教育與科學教育結合的必然性、必要性和可能性,梳理了兩者結合的理路,在此基礎上,通過對我國大學人文教育與科學教育關系的歷史和現狀的把脈,對推進我國大學人文教育與科學教育的結合,提出了幾點富有建設性的想法。

This dissertation points out that curricula in colleges can be divided into liberal education ones and major education ones , and provides an optimized thinking mode and concrete methods and strategies for the reformers from the dimensions of depth as well as time and space . it consists of the following three aspects in detail , structure optimization between liberal education curricula and major education curricula , optimization of the internal structure of liberal education curricula and optimization of the internal structure of the major education curricula 文章指出大學的課程可分為通識教育課程和專業教育課程兩類,并提出對其分別進行“時空”維和“深度”維改造的優化思路和操作方略;論文通過對通識教育課程與專業教育課程之間的結構、通識教育課程的內部結構以及專業教育課程的內部結構各自予以優化,以期達到對整個大學課程結構優化的目的。

He founded western chinese school and a girl ' s school with the conception of liberal education , which was fairly progressive at that time . the guideline of running his western chinese school was to pay equal attention to the western and eastern culture . young hoped to affect chinese society ' s development by moving some secular education to china which would bring out some talented leaders with western views 中西書院的方針是“中西并重” ,林樂知希望在容納中國的前提下將西方的基督教世俗教育體制照搬到中國,為中國的自強運動培養在基督教會影響之下的各種世俗領袖和人才,從而影響中國的社會進程。

Here students from around the world can enjoy a sound and challenging liberal education embracing chinese language and literature , english language and literature , western literature , linguistics , translation , japanese language and culture , cultural studies , chinese and western history , anthropology , philosophy and religious studies , or seek out professional programmes in music , art and theology 各系提供多項人文學科教育,教授中國語文、中國文學、英文、英國文學、西方文學、翻譯、語言學、日本語文及文化、文化研究、中西歷史、人類學、哲學、宗教研究等學科知識,并培訓音樂、藝術及神學之專門人才。

This program is to cultivate advanced special talents who can be engaged in the design , development , utility , management and evaluation of instructional media and instructional system in the new technology education fields , including teachers of educational technology and informational technology in normal colleges at all levels and middle level schools , as well as educational technology personnle in audio - visual education service at all levels , academies and liberal education 本專業培養能夠在新技術教育領域從事教學媒體和教學系統的設計、開發、運用、管理和評價等的教育技術學科高級專門人才,包括各級師范院校和中等學校教育技術學課程及信息技術課程教師以及各級電教館、高校和普教的教育技術人員。

They were the principal instrument of liberal education , the education that men acquired as an end in itself , for no other purpose than that it would help them to be men , to lead human lives , and better lives than they would otherwise be able to lead 它們是“大人之學”的開門神器,這種教育讓人們學會把人當作目的本身,因為比起這個目的來,沒有其他任何目標更能幫助他們成為人,過一種人性的生活,而且是比他們可能采用的其他活法更好的生活。

Though the concept of modern university has been introduced into china , for reasons of history and traditional culture , the idea of western university , in which the tradition that liberal education was laid more emphasis on was included , can hardly he inherited and developed totally 現代大學引入中國后,由于近代歷史和傳統文化等方面的原因,西方式的大學理念很難在中國被完全繼承和發展,其中包括西方大學重視人文教育的傳統。

In line with his prominent account of modern state governance in terms of civil association and enterprise association , oakeshott is likely to put western educational thought into two main categories , namely , liberal education and social education 如同其藉由公民結社與企業組織這兩組概念來闡述現代國家之治理觀念的方式,歐克秀也傾向將西方教育思想區分成人文教育與社會教育兩大范疇。

It is greatly helpful for us to study the curriculum of general education to students both in arts and science specialties in american universities , and make liberal education to be combined gradually with science education in chinese universities 研究美國大學文理科學生通識教育的課程設置,能為我國提供許多寶貴的借鑒,使中國大學教育逐步融合科學精神與人文精神。

The cultivation of aesthetic sensibilities in art and literature is crucial to the humanistic curriculum in liberal education with its emphasis on the pursit of knowledge and enrichment of the mind beyond utilitarianism 摘要通識教育強調超出實用功利性的人文知識,注意人才的全面培養,而文藝所培育之美感對通識教育有亟重要意義。

Accordingly , the major part of this essay will follow oakeshott ' s steps to re - establish the characteristics of liberal education in terms of the humanist ethos evinced in his philosophical skepticism 如此,本文的論述主體將依循歐克秀的步調,從其帶有哲學懷疑論色彩的人文主義精神著手,重建人文教育理念的主要特質。

To copy with these problems , we have to recover the spirit of classical liberal education , and make some necessary adjustments to fit in with the age of mass education and informational explosion 但是通識教育如何繼承博雅教育亙古的價值理念,同時又能適應教育普及化及知識爆炸的時代,是我們必須認真思考的挑戰。

As we know , there are three popular claims of general education - the maritain ' s educational view in perennialism , harvard red book , and the liberal education view by hirst 論文首先指出常規主張通識教育的三種立場:永恒主義馬瑞坦之教育觀、哈佛報告書以及分析派教育學者赫斯特等之看法。

The article explores the origin and development of the idea of liberal education in the west , and analyzes the major problems of general education in taiwan 摘要本文視博雅教育為通識教育的前身,探討西方博雅教育理念之起源與發展,并分析現代通識教育所面臨的主要問題及其對應之道。

The substance of liberal education appears to consist in the recognition of basic problems , in knowledge of distinctions and interrelations in subject matter , and in the comprehension of ideas 大人之學的精髓就在于重視基本問題,認識主題的各種差別和相互關系以及理解各種理念。