
liberal adj.1.自由人的;不受束縛的。2.大方的;慷慨的。3...

liberal arts

Only the arguments about congestion and social friction seem to weigh against liberal immigration policies . 看來唯有人口密集和社會摩擦的理由不利于自由移民的政策。

His first impulse was always to be liberal with halfcrowns as matters of no importance to a gentleman . 他一向不把錢放在眼里,認為這對于一位紳士是無足輕重的。

It would become the spearhead of a growing southern liberal movement in the 1920's and 1930's . 它將成為二十年代和三十年代不斷成長的南方自由主義運動的先聲。

According to our present-day ideas, the cook seems somewhat liberal with her butter and sugar . 照我們今天的觀點看來,廚師使用奶油和砂糖有點兒大手大腳。

Near christmas-time henry said to george: “we'll have to make cowperwood a liberal present . 將近圣誕節,亨利對喬治說:我們應該給柯帕一份大方的禮物。

I have been a liberal housekeeper enough but i shall not be ashamed to practice economy now . 過去我大手大腳地管家,現在我要省著過了,不怕人笑話。

But for the world's opinion, those experiences would have been simply a liberal education . 如果不是由于世俗的成見,那番經驗簡直就是一種高等教育。

Basically prejudiced book calculated to make white liberals feel comfortably indignant . 偏見的書,目的是使白人自由主義者看了生一點無傷大雅的氣。

His mother explained to him her liberal designs in case of his marrying miss morton . 他母親向他說明在他娶莫頓小姐的情況下為他所作的慷慨的安排。

The 1890s witnessed wholesale acceptance of the theory of evolution by liberal theologians . 十九世紀九十年代,進化論被開明的神學家們全盤接受。

By the expulsion of surgery from the liberal arts medicine herself was eviscerated . 把外科排除于豐富的藝術之外,就使得醫學本身去掉了內臟一樣。

The liberal new yorker ran a cartoon showing elennor going down into a coal mine . 自由派的《紐約人》刊登了一幅諷刺埃莉諾下煤礦的漫畫。

Why, george babbitt, you're about as broad-minded and liberal as a razor-blade . 嘿,喬治巴比特,你像剃刀口那么寬宏大量,通情達理。

At least he paid them a very liberal premium above the average brick-layer's pay . 至少他付給工人工資遠比一般砌磚工人的工資高。

When the votes were counted the liberals were found to have slipped to third place . 在計算票數時,發現自由黨已下降到了第三位。

The nitrate form commonly dominates where liberal nitrogen fertilization is practiced . 大量施用氮肥的地方,通常硝酸鹽占優勢。

Everything in her household arrangements was conducted on the most liberal plan . 她的一切家務都是根據最自由的計劃安排的。

There was much liberal thought, speech, and sentiment in france at this time . 這時法國有大量開明的思想、言論和情操。

Negroes and liberal whites were dismayed and reacted in various ways . 黑人和自由主義白人感到驚愕,并作出各種反應。