
liber n.(pl. libri ) 〔拉丁語〕 書冊;簿冊〔尤...


At last , it puts forward a suggestion that further push the interest rate liberalization course in our country , and an analysis of outlook resulting from the actual realization of the interest rate liber alization 最后,對進一步推進我國利率市場化進程提出自己的建議,并就利率市場化實現后的實際效果進行了分析展望。

( l ) ill tlle second cllapter of this dissertation , the behaviors of the active liber resonators are studied by both theoretical and experimel1tal ways , when it is under the threshold 一、在本文第二章,對有源光纖環形腔在閾值以下的特性進行了理論分析和實驗研究。

The book of eibon liber ivonis 伊波恩之書

Junctur ossium extremitatis thoracic liber 胸肢骨活動結合

She ' s politically conservative ; i ' m more liber al 她政治上保守,而我卻比較開明寬容。