
libellous adj.1.誹謗的。2.愛中傷的。adv.-ly


The government does not permit a website to hyperlink to govhk if it contains material which is libellous , defamatory , pornographic , obscene , or is in any way in breach of the laws of the hong kong special administrative region or infringes any intellectual property rights including but not limited to copyright and moral rights 若你的網站載有永久形式誹謗、誹謗性、色情、淫褻材料,或任何違反香港特別行政區法律或侵犯任何知識產權(包括但不限于版權及道德權利)的材料,一站通概不準許其連結到一站通。

Post or transmit any unlawful , fraudulent , libellous , defamatory , obscene , pornographic , profane , threatening , abusive , hateful , offensive , or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable information of any kind , including without limitation any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that may constitute a criminal offence , give rise to civil liability , or otherwise violate any local , state , national or foreign law 發帖或傳輸任何種類的違法、欺詐、中傷、誹謗、淫褻、色情、褻瀆、恐嚇、污穢、討厭、令人反感或其他不良或過份的資訊,包括但不限于傳輸含有或慫恿可構成刑事罪、導致民事責任,或者以其他方式違反任何當地、國家、全國性或外國法律的行為的資料;

Post or transmit any unlawful , fraudulent , libellous , defamatory , obscene , pornographic , profane , threatening , abusive , harmful , hateful , offensive , or otherwise objectionable or unreasonable information of any kind , including without limitation any transmissions constituting or encouraging conduct that may constitute a criminal offence , give rise to civil liability , or otherwise violate any local , state , national or foreign law ; or 張貼或傳輸任何種類的違法、欺詐、中傷、誹謗、淫褻、色情、褻瀆、恐嚇、污穢、有害、討厭、令人反感或其他不良或過份的資訊,包括但不限于傳輸任何促使或慫恿構成刑事罪、導致民事責任,或者以其他方式違反任何當地、國家、全國性或外國法律的行為的資料;或

The customer is solely responsible for the content of any text transmitted by the customer as part of such messages and shall not include any content which may be harassing , defamatory , libellous or injurious to any other person “客戶”須對作為此類訊息之部分而由“客戶”發送之任何文字的內容負完全責任,并且不得包含任何可能對任何其它人構成騷擾、誹謗、中傷或傷害的內容。

Messages to be posted on the forum must not be unlawful , threatening , libellous , abusive , vulgar , obscene , personal attack , invasive of privacy , discriminatory , or otherwise 所有文章及言論均不得含有非法、威脅、誹謗、辱罵、粗鄙、淫褻、人身攻擊、侵犯他人私隱或任何歧視性的成份。