
libel n.1.誹謗文;【宗教】誹謗的訴狀。2.【法律】誹謗,誹...


Hp will have no liability related to the content of any such communications , whether or not arising under the laws of copyright , libel , privacy , obscenity , or otherwise 但是, hp不對任何此類通信的內容承擔任何責任,無論是由關于版權誹謗隱私淫穢的法律還是由其它方面的法律引起的責任。

You hereby irrevocably and unconditionally waive any claim against red - dots for defamation , libel or whatsoever arising out of any such communication 閣下謹此不可撤銷及無條件地放棄就任何該等通訊引起之詆毀誹謗或其他情況向吾等提出任何申索。

Too many of us look upon americans as dollar chasers . this is a cruel libel , even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the americans themselves 我們中間太多的人把美國人看成是財迷。這是一種殘忍的謊言,盡管美國人自己也無意中傳播了這種想法。

Yes , says j . j . , but the truth of a libel is no defence to an indictment for publishing it in the eyes of the law “我知道, ”杰杰說, “倘若你由于公布了某件事而被控以誹謗罪,即使那是確鑿的,從法律觀點看,還是無可開脫。 ”

Mcdonald ' s officially won the trial , or at least a portion , in part because british libel laws are tilted toward plaintiffs 麥當勞名義上至少部分打贏了官司,部分是因為英國誹謗法是傾向于原告的。

A plaintiff ' s interpretation in a libel suit of allegedly libelous or slanderous material 對被告誹謗言辭的解釋在誹謗案件中,原告對所稱的誹謗的或謠言的材料的解釋

Meanwhile shevchenko has accepted substantial libel damages from the daily mirror today 與此同時舍甫琴科今天亦接受了《每日鏡報》相當的誹謗賠償費。

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken 誹謗和流言的區別分辨在于前者是書面的,而后者是口頭的。

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken 誹謗和詆毀的區別在于前者是書面的,而后者是口頭的。

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken 誹謗和流言的區別在于前者是書面的,而留言是口頭的。

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken 誹謗和流言的區別在于前者是書面的,而后者是口頭的。

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is oken 誹謗和流言的區別在于前者是書面的,而后者是口頭的。

Insult , libel , false charge or frame - up directed against citizens by any means is prohibited 禁止用任何方法對公民進行侮辱誹謗和誣告陷害。

The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spen 誹謗和流言的區別在于前者是書面的,而后者是口頭的。

Though you may consider him innocent , in the eyes of the law he is guilty of libel 你也許認為他無罪,可是從法律的角度來看,他犯了誹謗罪。

His attempt to discredit his opponent boomeranged ( on him ) when he was charged with libel 他企圖敗壞對手名聲反而自食其果,被控以誹謗罪

In xifeng , i was mainly investigating the sms libel case of the businesswoman 在西豐,我主要是調查那個女商人的短信誹謗案。

He s in there now with his lawbooks finding out the law of libel 眼下他在餐館里拿著法律書正在查找著誹謗罪的條例哪。

He was sued for libel 他因毀謗被提起訴訟。