
lib n.〔口語〕解放(=liberation)。 Women...


The cathode materials have great influences on the performance of lib 正極材料對鋰離子電池的性能影響很大。

If a dll has no exports , the linker will not generate a . lib file 如果dll沒有導出,鏈接器將不生成. lib文件。

You should not ship a . lib file comprised of . obj files that were produced with 生成的文件格式。不應提供由用

To use environment variables for include and lib paths ; otherwise , 若要對include和lib路徑使用環境變量,則為

File to the jmeter lib directory no renaming necessary 文件復制到jmeter的lib目錄下即可(不用更改名稱) 。

Creates a debug multithreaded executable file using libcmtd . lib 使用libcmtd . lib創建調試多線程可執行文件

Which are defined in a library named mygraph . lib 的圖形函數,這些函數是在名為mygraph . lib的庫中定義的。

Compiles to create a debug multithreaded dll , using msvcrtd . lib 使用msvcrtd . lib編譯以創建調試多線程dll

Place the admin . jar file in the lib directory of your project 將admin . jar文件置于您的項目的庫目錄中。

Lib sub - folder of the project 子文件夾中的儲存庫中) 。

His ad lib speech was wonderful 他的即興演說真是妙極了。

To prepend to the path specified in the lib environment variable 設置預置在lib環境變量給定的路徑中。

The actress often forgot her line but was very good at ad lib 那個女演員常忘臺詞,卻極擅長臨時拼湊。

Corresponds to environment variable lib 對應于環境變量lib 。

That ' s a very good , uh , ad - lib 真是一段精彩的,呃,即興演出

Extract the lib in a special directory 在指定的目錄中提取lib 。

Prepends to the lib environment variable 預置在lib環境變量中。

Lib specify assembly reference locations Lib指定程序集引用位置

Tab and add the external jar files from the lib directory 選項卡并從lib目錄添加外部jar文件。