
liang n.〔漢語〕 (中國衡量單位)兩。


Grand hyatt hotel - the pearl liang seafood restaurant 凱悅飯店-漂亮海鮮餐廳

Two interpreters are miss liang and mr . zhou 兩個譯員由梁老師和周老師承擔。

Discussion on liang shuming ' s rural eductation model 梁漱溟鄉村教育模式探析

Commenting on historiography inprovement of liang qichao 梁啟超史學改良述評

On getting along together of liu bei and zhuge liang 論劉備與諸葛亮君臣遇合

Expecting the good dao as brother liang ' s title 期待看梁兄如標題般的好刀。

On liang qichao ' s rational spirit and academic approach 梁啟超的理性精神與學術態度

Liang garden is considered “ south china s no . 1 garden “ 梁園有天下第一園之稱。

Is in power when regarding zhuge liang has the dispute 對于諸葛亮何時當政有爭議。

Dr . miaoling liang , assistant researcher dr . fei yuan 梁妙玲,博士,助理研究員

On liang qi - chao ' s ideas on comipling history works 論梁啟超的歷史編纂學思想

Liang shuming ' s modern thought of multi - cooperation 梁漱溟的多元合作現代化思想論要

Liang qichao and the literature enlightenment in modern china 梁啟超與近代文學啟蒙

We ' d taken liang already , why don ' t we go back 既已取得梁城,何不速返邯鄲?

Liang zongdai in sino - western comparative poetics history 中西比較詩學史上的梁宗岱

Mr . liang , the material of hub01 can ' t use 梁經理, hub01的原料不能使用嗎?

It was built in memory of zhuge liang :坐落于成都南門,是為紀念諸葛亮而建。

Patriotic thoughts and practice of zhang xue - liang 張學良的愛國主義思想與實踐

Wang xiao - qi , zhao zhen - hai , li jing - di and li guang - liang 王小趙振海李晶娣李廣良