
liana n.【植物;植物學】藤本植物,蔓生植物。

liana rubber

The clones inserted with ban fragments of b . napus and a . thaliana were sequenced and compared with the sequences in genbank . the results showed that the ban fragment of a . tha liana had the same sequence ( 779bp ) as reported . the ban fragment of b . napus was 780bp and its extron had 90 % of homology with those of a . thaliana ban ( 90 % ) Pcr產物經克隆測序和比較分析顯示,擬南芥ban片段( 779bp )與已報道的完全相同,甘藍型油菜ban片段( 780bp )與擬南芥ban外顯子的同源性為90 ,但內含子的同源性僅為74 。

The current knowledge on climbing plants comes mainly from observations of tropical climbing plants . despite the high level of ecological research achieved so far , research in specific area is still far from adequate , lacking not only depth and extent , but also with regards to other areas such as , the mechanism of ecological adaptation for liana . climbing plants are perfect for studying plant behavior ecology 目前,對攀援植物所取得的一些認識主要來自對熱帶藤本植物的觀測,攀援植物生態學研究內容十分豐富和特殊,但目前國內外對這一類群的研究還很不夠,研究深度和廣度都遠未達到對其他類群的研究水平,尚難提示藤本植物的生態適應機制。

The systematic and synthetic description and review of lianas , chiefly in tropic , are described and reviewed in this paper , in which some ecological questions of lianas are included distributed as follows : ( 1 ) the conception and significances of lianas ; ( 2 ) liana flora and its distribution in the world ; ( 3 ) its biological characteristics ; ( 4 ) its ecological characteristics ; ( 5 ) its abundance ( density ) and species - richness in tropical forest ; ( 6 ) the ecological significance of lianas - aggregation in gap and the variance of its abundance in the process of forest succession ; ( 7 ) the relationship between lianas and trees ; ( 8 ) the positive and the negative contribution of lianas to tropical forest ; ( 9 ) the types of climbing mechanism of lianas and its competitive predominance ; ( 10 ) global climate - variance ( co2 increase ) promotes abundance of lianas to increase , and some ecological consequence are resulted from which 摘要對藤本植物(以熱帶為主)研究的動態與發展進行了綜述,其中包括: ( 1 )藤本植物的概念及重要性; ( 2 )藤本植物區系和分布; ( 3 )藤本植物的生物學特性; ( 4 )藤本植物的生態學特性; ( 5 )藤本在森林中的多度(密度)及種的豐富度; ( 6 )藤本在空地上聚生的生態意義以及它們在森林演進過程中的消長; ( 7 )藤本與樹木的相互關系; ( 8 )藤本對森林正面和負面的影響; ( 9 )藤本的攀援方式類別及其競爭優勢; ( 10 )全球氣候變化( co2濃度增高)促進藤本優勢度增長并導致不良的生態后果。

The results indicated that net - suspended spray seeding ( nsss ) , spray seeding ( ss ) , grass - stick technique ( gst ) , liana protection ( lp ) and grass protection ( gp ) , were the best preventative ways to prevent soil erosion , to renew succession and to form stable ecological communities , which have broad application 研究結果表明,掛網噴播、普通噴播、草棒技術、藤本護坡和植草護坡,是防止水土流失、更新演替,形成穩定的生態群落的最好方法,有著廣闊的應用前景。

Located at south gate of 798 art area , dashanzi , beijing , liana art space covers the exhibition room of 66 square meters , with simple decoration by keeping old building style , it achieves virtual results of classical and modern art 青藤子藝術空間位于大山子798藝術區南門,展廳面積約66平方米,裝修風格簡潔通暢,保留了原來舊式工廠的一些原始風貌,與現代藝術作品形成強烈對比,古樸中體現藝術的獨創感覺,生動而深遂。

Shanghai liana enterprise co , ltd is one of biggest led and decorative lighting manufacturers in the world , which collects together research and development ( r & d ) , production and sale 上海乾屹實業有限公司是一家集研發、生產與銷售為一體的燈具企業,同時也是全世界最大的燈飾、禮品制造商之一

Lovely spot it must be : the garden of the world , big lazy leaves to float about on , cactuses , flowery meads , snaky lianas they call them 那準是個可愛的地方,不啻是世界的樂園;慵懶的寬葉,簡直可以坐在上面到處漂浮。仙人掌,鮮花盛開的草原,還有那他們稱作蛇蔓的。

I know you would , ” joyce grabbed the ticket from liana ' s hand , “ i shall remember to bring you a souvenir back from australia , must dash now 我知道你會的, ”喬伊斯從莉安娜的手里把那彩券抓走, “我會記得從澳洲帶個紀念品回來給你的,現在得趕? 。

Some fragmentations with less area have less moss in species kind and quantity , whereas they have more rich lianas not only in species but also in number 面積較小的片斷森林中苔蘚植物種類和數量都較少,但是林內藤本植物種類和數量有所增多。

Among them was a woman named kokoeva liana , who had rescued five children , ended up being operated on twice and was still in serious condition 其中有一位名叫可可伊娃蓮娜kokoeva liana的女士拯救了五名學童,結果開刀了兩次仍未脫離險境。

Liana art space is trying their best to provide the up - to - date valuable or potential pictures for collectors and interested persons 青藤子藝術空間也將積極為收藏家和觀眾提供中國當代最具藝術價值和市場潛力的藝術作品。

The vertical structure of each forest community were obvious and could be divided into tree layer , shrub layer , herbage layer and lianas 各群落垂直結構十分明顯,可分為喬木層、灌木層、草本層和層間植物。

“ oh , liana , thank you , george would be pleased to know i got the ticket , he thought you would never give it back to me “喔,莉安娜,謝謝你,喬治知道我拿到這彩券一定會很高興的,他認為你決不會還給我的。

The initiates gave additional financial aid to survivors such as ms . liana who had more serious physical problems 對于那些像蓮娜女士這樣情況較嚴重的幸存者,我們又提供額外的經濟資助。

He slowly approached liana ' s cage , gazing at liana in silence , icy eyes melting bit by bit 它慢慢踱到靠近蓮娜的籠邊,就這樣靜靜凝視著蓮娜,眼中的堅冰,開始一點一點融化。

Liana tried on several pairs of pantyhose in the fitting room to find out which pair was full - fashioned for her 莉安娜在試衣室試穿不同的緊身褲襪,看看哪一對完全合身。

Seriously injured , liana was separately put into a cage next to where ajiaxi lived 由于傷勢嚴重,蓮娜被獨自關在阿加西旁邊單獨的籠子里,她一動不動的靜臥在地上。

Liana had a trace of anger in her voice , “ she said it was going to be a treat for me 莉安娜的聲音里含著一絲絲的生氣, “她說那是當請我客的! ”

The appraise and analysis of liana landscape resources of tengshan nature reserve in fujian 藤山自然保護區藤本植物資源及其景觀價值的評價與分析