
liaison n.〔法語〕1.【語音】連音〔指法語中詞尾的無聲子音與后...


Community liaison division of the department of health 生署社區聯絡部

Meeting of the liaison group on aviation weather services 天文臺會繼續在這方面出一分力。

Liaison officer ( chai wan ) 2 , eastern district office 東區民政事務處柴灣聯絡組聯絡主任2

I am interested to join the passenger liaison group 有興趣參予乘客聯絡小組會議或其他活動

To maintain regular liaison with it industry associations 定期與資訊科技業界組織聯絡。

Liaison officer ( lung king ) , tuen mun district office 油尖旺民政事務處聯絡主任(北) 1

Liaison office for north america in washington d . c . ( lowa ) 駐華盛頓北美聯絡處( lowa )

Download passenger liaison group application form 下載乘客聯絡小組申報表

Fegelein wasn ' t just liaison officer with himmler . . 費格萊因不僅僅是希姆萊的聯絡官. .

Our liaison practitioners around the world 世界各國聯絡人如何與我們聯絡

The 16th liaison group meeting with the airlines 天文臺與航空公司的第十六次聯絡組會議

Officer resource development and members liaison 主任(資源發展及會員聯系)

Mr . tom fung liaison officer ii wan chai district office , had 灣仔民政事務處聯絡主任

4 liaison with the mainland and with other organisations (四)與內地及其他機構的聯系

Kwun tong district office , liaison officer 油尖旺民政事務處聯絡主任(北) 1

Committees , liaison groups and working groups -委員會、聯絡小組及工作小組

Liaison officer ( n ) 2 , yau tsim mong district office 行政主任(區議會)二,葵青區議會

Information and liaison section , immigration headquarters , 入境事務處總部查詢及聯絡組

Meeting of the marine parks visitor liaison group 報告海岸公園的最新資料