
liable adj.1.(對…)應負(法律)責任的,有義務的。2.應...


We ' re all liable to make mistakes when we ' re tired 人若疲勞誰都可能出差錯

Cog liable to mildew damage effect ins acidly 貨物可能會發霉,請予以投保。

Taxpayer previously assessed as not liable to tax 曾被評定為毋須課稅的納稅人

Accordingly , they are liable to the family trust 因此,復萊明對家庭信托購成違約。

Be careful if you have an accident i ' ll be liable 小心- -你要是出事故,我要負責的

If you interfere , somebody s liable to get hurt . 誰要來干涉,可別怪我不客氣。 ”

It seems we shall not be held liable for the shortage 我方似乎不應該對短缺負責。

Children under the age of 10 are all liable to diseases 10歲以下的孩子容易生病。

This article is liable to give offence to many people 這篇文章很可能觸犯許多人。

Fruits and vegetables are liable to quick deterioration 水果和蔬菜容易很快變質。

I ' m not liable for unauthorized charges , am i 我不必負擔遭盜刷的費用,對吧?

They are liable to knock him off if he talks 要是他講出來,他們很可能謀殺他。

I am occasionally liable to these freaks in my sleep 我睡著了偶爾有這種毛病。

Doctors are liable for the health of their patients 醫生有維護病人健康的責任。

Most of them will be liable to go broken on arrival 大多數到貨時輕易智慧破損。

All his property is liable to pay his debts 他所有的財產都應依法處理以償債務。

People who had cars for essential journeys were liable to be prosecuted for going a few yards off their necessary route for personal reasons . 那些需要開車外出的人,必須走規定的路線,如果由于個人原因偏離了應該走的路線,哪怕只有幾碼,也可能受到懲辦。

Any servant or agent of the consignor shall be liable for such loss if the loss is caused by fault or neglect on his part . 如果損失是由于發貨人的受雇傭人或代理人本身的過失或疏忽所造成,該受雇人或代理人對這種損失應負賠償責任。

Observations made by pendulums in a submarine between 1920 and 1950, avoiding stormy weather, are liable to errors of perhaps 5 mgal . 在1920年和1950年之間,在潛艇中用擺儀進行的觀測,避開了暴風雨天氣,也許可能有5毫伽的誤差。