
liability n.1.責任,義務。2.〔pl.〕 負債,債務 (opp...


That simply absolves the bank of any liability 那只是聲明銀行不承擔任何責任

Standard guide for disclosure of environmental liabilities 揭示環境責任的標準指南

Reust the asset - liability ratio of state - owned enterprises 調整國有企業資產負債比

But in other cases , it can be a liability 但是在其他情況下,它可能成為麻煩。

The double attribute of actual carrier ' s liability 談實際承運人責任的雙重屬性

On the remedy and liability of administrative guidance 論行政指導的救濟與責任

Exemption from the liability for road traffic accident 道路交通事故的免責事由

Project management and liability of consulting engineering 項目管理與工程咨詢職責

Study on civil liability for securities frauds 證券欺詐民事責任的若干問題研究

Responsibility ascertainment principles for tort liability 簡論侵權責任的歸責原則

A study of the causation in environment tort liability 論環境侵權責任中的因果關系

Probing into indemnification for product liability damage 產品責任損害賠償探討

A proposal for solving the outstanding liabilities (四)未了責任的處理方案。

Details of income , expenditure , assets and liabilities 入息開支資產和負債詳情

The policy analysis of countryside government liabilities 鄉鎮債務產生的政策分析

Will be issued to review his her tax liabilities ,以覆核他她是否有須課稅個案。

On the realization of civil liability in economic law 試論經濟法中民事責任的實現

The system on liability for fault of contracting a treaty 締約過失責任制度論要

Heavy liabilities forced the company into bankruptcy 沉重的債務迫使公司破產。